NOTE FROM JEAN: Here is the draft proposal resulting from a discussion I had through a number a successive emails with a small group of friends from a number of countries. To review the process that led to this proposal, please click of this link to my initial post and the feedbacks received on it.

From: (Jean Hudon)
Date: March 17, 2000
Subject: Draft proposal. Important - Please review this as soon as you can.

Hello my friends

I’ve just completed a first draft for the proposal I mentioned to you in an earlier email. Please review it carefully and let me know your feedbacks on it. Please also take note of any change or addition you would like to make in it. Make sure to include everyone in the Cc list as recipients of your feedback so we may expediently proceed ahead with a final version.

I’ve left the drafting of a final conclusion opened to anyone of you who would like to contribute in this regard. As you’ll see in the foreword, I’ve alluded to the author of this proposal without naming myself. The idea at this point is to have this proposal co-signed by a number of people, following a concluding statement (that’s the part still not drafted) expressing our common agreement on the final version of it and any additional comment necessary from this group perspective, and NOT mention at all the name of the actual person who drafted the first version of this. Not having the name of any individual personality would make it clear that this idea does not *belong* to any single individual but is the result of a group process which is the very purpose and point of it all. I’ve striven - well! actually the only effort on my part has been to remain as best in tune as possible with the incoming flow of words - to include in a comprehensive presentation, but in a definitive format, as many of the ideas put forward during our previous exchange of ideas. I could still post these compiled emails on my site if you feel the need to have them all together to review them in one sitting, but feel it is not really necessary to make available to all eyes the nuts and bolts of the process through which this proposal came to be -- a process which is still not completed...

So I hope to hear from you - all of you hopefully! - at your earliest convenience.

Regarding the issue of calling for a collective meditation over the China -Taiwan issue that was the starting point of this exercise, I feel no urgency right now, despite the heavy rhetoric from the Chinese government on the eve of the vote in Taiwan tomorrow, to rush in with such a Call for meditation. Let’s say also that it seems preferable to let the political process follows its normal course and see what actually happens afterwards. Reviewing this situation from a group perspective as we did was a useful exercise and we may still have time to revisit this issue as a group, when we feel ready for it, to take some preventive measures towards facilitating a peaceful resolution of the tensions existing between China and Taiwan, tensions that will most likely be around for some more time to come anyway. Of course, it may also prove necessary to make a swifter move on this if the situation appears to be getting out of hands once the election results are compiled...

One last thing. I mentioned to you a dream I made this week. It left a powerful impression on me as dreams sometimes do and was instrumental in having me focussing the needed time to prepare this proposal below. So here it is for your consideration.

The first picture I remember is that of the mushroom of a nuclear explosion seen from afar in a generally white environment. It was frozen in action. Then with a switch of perception that felt like quickly going earlier on the timeline, before the occurence of this event, I felt I had something in my hands, a kind of instrument that if used properly, was enabling me/us (there was a sense of collectively doing something to mitigate this potential outcome) to change things at the source and thus set the stage for a better scenario in the future. A quick glide into the future after this shown me a world still alive, but the air was gray with the soot of pollution. Following another quick jump in the past and another use of the “instrument”, I came back in the future to see the results, and this time the air was perfectly clear and the ambiance light and serene. I then suddenly woke up in the middle of my sleep and made sure to impress myself enough with the memory of this dream to have a conscious remembrance of it after my “night” of sleep.

The conclusion I drew from this dream is that we definitely have the power in our hands -- and hearts -- to affect the future of this world beyond our wildest imaginings. This is something we urgently need to learn and to wisely use. This is at the heart of our current evolutionary process. And this is not something that anyone of us can do alone...

We ought to see past our individual limitations, whatever they may be, to co-create and co-conceive the necessary conditions for achieving the incredible potential for Good and of Love still mostly lying dormant in us. We owe it to our children and literally to ourselves for *we are the ones* who will eventually come back in this future to reap the consequences, positive or negative, of what we will achieve -- or fail to achieve -- today.

One in the Light of God




In drafting this proposal, the author is responding to the best of his abilities to the inner Source of guidance prompting him to co-create with other interested parties a mechanism allowing for an optimal use of both the powerful spiritual resources and experience of Lightworkers throughout the world and of the ability for instant communication and mass broadcasting of information provided today by the global Internet network. For a number of years, he has participated with others to the gradual interconnecting of people walking onto a divinely guided spiritual path and has fostered, through networking numerous global meditation events, the emerging sense that we do indeed form a spiritual community encompassing all awakening humans around the entire planet. His role in this regard has always been self-effacing, putting aside any pretence of being the actual author of his work, fully aware that the words forming through his mind always came from a higher Source and an infinitely larger and wiser perspective than his limited ability to perceive things could ever allow him to grasp. This proposal is put forward in the same manner and it is hoped that others who will consider it will strive to approach it from the same perspective and allow the same higher Source to guide them in their response to it.

Context of this proposal

For a number of years, people from all walks of life have been participating in ever larger numbers to the various facets of the emerging New Consciousness evolutionary movement, also called the Aquarian Age or the New Age, pointing to the spiritual renaissance of humanity as a whole. The various forms and expressions of this movement are too numerous to be exhaustively and accurately listed by anyone today. Suffice it to say that there is hardly a single aspect of human life that has not been affected in some way by the inner resonance of this New Consciousness and the inherent values of this movement as it gathered momentum and force in the human collective psyche and in the outer world of human affairs. As we can all intuitively sense when correctly attuned to the inner guidance that has been playing an ever greater role in an ever growing number of people, none of this has happened by mere coincidence or chance. It can been perceived and described as the result of an ever growing influx of intelligent Life Forces serving the aims of a Divine Plan conceived for the express purpose of assisting all souls in incarnation towards fulfilling their ultimate destiny, which is remembering their divine origin and nature, shifting their entire existence towards assisting others in realizing a similar awakening and eventually reunifying within the Source of All That Is in a supreme embrace of their true and eternal Nature.

The true purpose of this initiative can therefore be described as devising a flexible and neutral means through which the convergence of the inner guidance of Lightworkers throughout the world can be better achieved with the immediate objectives of the Divine Plan for this period of our collective evolution. As each person participating to a globally synchronized meditation may have already experienced, the sense of channelling in unison with hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of other people the Power-filled vibrations of Peace and Love towards all humans and all life forms on Earth is a life-changing and profoundly sacred experience. For a few moments, one forgets everything about the ephemeral circumstances of everyday life to merge thoroughly and without any residual sense of separation into the all encompassing vibrations of Unity and God-beingness to radiate, as an ultra-high multidirectional beam of energy, the scintillating Light of Love arising in those awe-filled moments from the deepest recesses of our Divine Self. Pearls of bliss form in our eyes and roll down our smiling face as we let It Be — as we express the Power of the stars condensed in human form towards all awakening brothers and sisters of our extended human family on our home planet, reaching out to them with the Knowledge that one day, soon, Peace, Love and Harmony shall prevail on Earth.

To enable and encourage ever more people to share in a similar experience on a regular basis and thus catalyze the manifestation of this Divine Plan for planet Earth, it is natural that one would conceive the notion of creating a vessel through which a coordination of the activities and meditations of interested Lightworkers could be achieved. Such a vessel already exists in its embryonic stage right now under the name of the Planetary Awakening Network whose formation and expansion have been facilitated mainly by Michael Lightweaver with the assistance of other interested parties. The idea of creating a Governing and Guidance Council for this network has come forward a few weeks ago and is now in the process of being introduced to all the participating members of this loosely connected group of people to see if there is any interest and support for such a system that would better facilitate and coordinate everyone’s energies and abilities to further enhance the positive action Lightworkers already exercises within humanity’s collective consciousness.

Notwithstanding how this idea will be presented and how it will evolve as others will gradually offer their constructive perspective in response, there are 3 obvious facts that need to be remembered when considering this project:

1) We are all connected as in a giant spiritual hive and we can all resonate to
one another as demonstrated during the collective outpouring of grief that follow the death of world-renowned and beloved personalities such as Princess Diana for instance.

2) The power of human minds united and synchronized around a common purpose through meditation and prayerful intent is awesome and the more people can be harmonized around a common goal, the more powerful their collective influence on others and on unfolding world events can be.

3) When joined in meditation, we are mere instruments for the universal One Will, Love and Wisdom of God. We then act as conduits through which the very high level frequencies of the healing and transformative Power of God can be stepped down to the human level and so reach out to all humans through the Web of Life interconnecting us all.

All those trained enough to serve in meditation as tools in the hands of God and channels for the almost magical power of Love have felt deep within what these 3 realities can mean at the human level.

Now the question is: What can be done to further increase our collective efficiency in assisting the Power of God within us all into creating the best conditions on Earth and so hasten the spiritual evolution of all Life?

The simplest suggestion that may first come to mind is to encourage every awakening human to dedicate at least once a day a few minutes of their time, at the top of the hour of any hour of their choosing and preference, to close their eyes, open their heart and connect with the worldwide web of other people likewise meditating at the top of their local hour, and to let the Power of Love uplift their consciousness and use them as channels to further enhance the resonance of this vibration of Love in everyone’s minds and hearts. Thus, wherever you are and whenever you choose or feel prompted to do so, you will know and may sense that countless others are joining just like you into a Golden Moment of At-Onement with Life and in so doing, catalyze the awakening of humanity to our divine nature, foster a peaceful and swift resolution of any existing conflict and help reorient the bulk of human priorities towards satisfying the basic survival and evolutionary needs of every child, woman and men on Earth.

Then, in addition to this regular practise that will both accelerate the spiritual awakening of every participant and help generate a global atmosphere of peaceful understanding and loving compassion towards all humans and the millions of life forms inhabiting this world with us, we can also consider the possibility of joining all together once a week, every Sunday at noon local time, for the purpose of facilitating the peaceful resolution of potential or existing conflicts that could severely hamper the spiritual evolution of people in any given area of the world and possibly degenerate into open wars. To help set the main focus (or foci) of each of those weekly global meditations, a council of wise persons, either the Governing and Guidance Council suggested for the Planetary Awakening Network or a different group is such a PAN council is not established, could take on itself to establish a set of simple, clear and yet flexible criteria guiding it in selecting which situation(s) warrant(s) some urgent collective healing attention and issue once a week, every Friday, the suggested list of places and problems requiring such attention.

Anyone would be welcomed to submit issues and situations that are deemed urgent and critical enough to necessitate a global focus of healing, peaceful and love-filled energies. This council would need to be small enough (possibly 7 people) to be able to quickly and efficiently select each weekly list of situations requiring a spiritual ministration of such vibrations. The council should be as balanced as possible, its members representing as diverse a range of viewpoints as possible. The council would also be attentive to not set upon itself to select from a purely intellectual perspective what the most pressing issues are, its member pledging from the start to act, as best as can reasonably be expected, as living instruments of the Will of God and thus always striving to check within if there is any intuitive “red flag” as to the appropriateness of selecting any proposed situation as a priority for everyone. The council members would make sure the wording chosen and complexion given when suggesting an issue in the weekly Top Priority list are general enough to avoid tinging the ultimate preferred outcome with preconceived ideas and judgements as to what it should be, respecting in this the free will of the humans involved, the karmic requirements which no one can properly assess but the Lords of Karma themselves and the ultimate Will of God.

“May the highest possible good of every being involved be achieved” could be the permanent motto and overall focus of all issues marked for each weekly collective meditation.

Finally, let us add that nothing in this proposal should be seen as precluding or preventing any other group or person to submit directly to others in the Planetary Awakening Network, or through any other medium, any of the many meditation rendez-vous that are regularly proposed on the occasion of significant planetary alignments or other important dates in our yearly calendar.

The work of this council, if established with clearly defined and workable parameters yet to be adopted, could prove to be a welcome addition to the existing tools we have to facilitate and ease the transition towards a New World and a New Era for all life on Earth. It could greatly maximize the already considerable potential for Good and loving compassion in action and gradually help transform the scattered lights of individual healing efforts into a more harmoniously attuned Web of Love encompassing and connected into the entire planetary being. And, above all, it could serve as a finely tuned and highly responsive instrument to further assist in manifesting the Divine Plan on Earth.


From: "Leigh"
Subject: Re: Draft proposal. Important - Please review this as soon as you can.
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000

Dear Jean

Here is my feedback to your draft.

The essence of the draft seems fine, and I applaud you for initiating this
and putting it forward so swiftly. I do have some concerns, though.

First of all, when we are putting things before the public we really need to
keep things clear, simple, and to the point. I found the draft inspiring,
but also quite chatty, which would be great if it was an article or an
editorial. But when people are trying to find out information about a
project, a network, or an organisation, they prefer to read something that
is to the point and not too long. In a fast-moving, time-filled world
particularly, the general public tends to have a short attention-span. I
think you could quite easily cut out the personal references and the
preamble that tells people how you came up with your proposal without losing
any of the essence of the draft. If necessary this kind of information could
be put elsewhere on your website for people to refer to should they wish to.
I also think that in a draft of this kind it is better to avoid the overuse
of adjectives and superlatives so that it is more concise and not imbued so
much with personal fervour.

Being aware of the overuse of adjectives and superlatives is important if we
wish to avoid the draft being perceived as your personal crusade. While I
share the intent behind them, the references to 'god', 'divine plan',
'instruments', 'lightworkers', and 'karmic lords' fit well into some aspects
of the new age and religion, but may well alienate the rest of the public.
It is possible to convey the same message in different, more
universally-acceptable words. The use of appropriate communication is one of
the first steps to being of service to the planet..

Finally, I would ask that we all be aware of being unintentionally
judgemental of situations. When you say that potential or existing conflicts
"could severely hamper the spiritual evolution of people" you do not also
mention that through crisis can come transformation. Ideally, people would
address the root causes of conflict (I think this was the point you were
trying to make, and it is the point I think we are all concerning ourselves
with), but, when this does not happen, it sometimes takes an overt conflict
for this message to get across and for people to learn. Of course, this
doesn't always happen, and sometimes another conflict erupts later on down
the line. But I believe that it would be wrong to suggest that the
experience of conflict in itself does not contribute to spiritual growth. If
we stop and think for a moment, the world we live in is very much a place of
conflict, right from the personal level to the global level. It is by
incarnating into such conflict, and then chosing the path of reconciliation,
peace, and harmony, that we learn spiritual mastery.

Hope this helps. Thanks again for your inspiration and initiative.

Warm regards



Thanks a lot Leigh for your detailed comments. I agree with you regarding taking out the foreword and making a much shorter flyer type of presentation of this initiative for approaching people not familiar with the various esoteric concepts used in this version, while referencing the extended version on the ERN website for those interested. So once enough feedbacks are in, and if there is some kind of consensus emerging in favor of the ideas embedded in this first draft proposal (so please be specific as to if you support or not the basic ideas contained in this proposal - and if you disagree on something again be specific as to why, etc.) aside from commenting on the form so we might be able to see if such a consensus could possibly emerge), I'll work of such an abridged version hoping to strike closer to a good balance of form and content the next time I'll focus on this.

With the short attention span of so many people nowadays as you point out, it is obvious that a first contact with this proposal has to be made much more "palatable" in this regard. But I must point out that this document was intended for those familiar with this subject who don't shy (for instance) at the notion that they are what many call "Lightworkers" -- as a catch-all name describing those who do what we are doing -- or even shy at the use of words like God or divine (there would be an interesting debate to have on whether it is better to use less emotionally charged words such as "Universal Consciousness" or "All That Is" or if we should simply call a cat a cat, if you see what I mean...) But if you or anyone can think of a better word than Lightworkers, let's suggest it please. Same thing for any other words I used that don't seem appropriate to any of you. All suggestions will definitely help -- even if they are not retained in the final version.

Regarding the comment that we need to acknowledge that conflicts are also parts of the learning and evolutionary process of us all, I agree and will try to come up with an additional sentence to express this aspect in the longer version. But again any actual suggestion of a sentence and the suggested place to insert it would also be welcomed - as time permits of course...

I would also greatly appreciate some more detailed feedbacks on other aspects of this proposal, aside from its wording and lenght. There is the idea proposed of a top-of-the-hour, round the clock (from a worldwide perspective), year-long meditational pause that I'd like to hear your comment about. What do you think for instance of the "3 obvious facts" mentioned? And about the concept of a council suggesting a weekly list of focus issues to everyone's attention?

And anything else that will come to your mind when reading this.

Warm regards ;-)


P.S. Thanks for including everyone else as Cc recipients of your feedbacks Leigh. I should also mention that if anyone of you decides not to Cc their comment to everyone else, I'll consider that this is your preference and will not therefore forward it myself afterwards.

From: "Boudewijn Wegerif" <>
Subject: SV: Draft proposal. Important -
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000

19 March 2000

Dear lightbearers,

I took Jean's thoughts about our interconnection, as set out in his draft
proposal to us, into the woods with me this morning, and now here I am back
at the computer to share this response.

1 - I propose that we recognise that we are part of an organization, association, union of lightbearers who wish for the highest possible good of every being and for whom it has become habitual to have this thought fairly constantly in mind, and to affirm it from time to time during the day, and best on the hour.

2 - Our association requires no more formal acknowledgement than that.

3 - In that acknowledgement we know that
¤ we are all connected in and through one body of love
¤ the power of our minds united around our knowing this is awesome
¤ we have no other wish for this power than to radiate it (be radiant with
it), in service of the universal One Being of love, wisdom and truth (through whom and in whom we have our being)
¤ a glorious outcome for the highest good is assured
¤ our role as lightbearers is to serve that outcome by allowing ourselves to
be conduits and stepping down transformers through whom the very high level
frequencies of the healing power of the Creator Being are brought down to
¤ as such we are each and every one of us a living prayer for the earth
to be made heavenly

4 - So far as organisation is concerned, my suggestion is that we
4i - open a list for all who agree to something like paragraph 1 above
4ii - invite list members to submit a statement OF NOT MORE THAN 300 WORDS
giving their personal and/or group slant as lightbearers ˆ (slant, Oxford
Dictionary, equals "Slope, oblique position; point of view, way of regarding
something; bias")
4iii - the statement will be moderated by two or three list managers, who
will judge the statement only for length and conformity to the spirit of
lightbearing as set out in paragraph 1, formal acknowledgement, and
paragraph 2, informal acknowledgement
4iv- the list and lightbearing slants will be open for all to see
4v - listed members of the lightbearers organisation will be invited to
post alert calls and/or calls for shared vigil/prayer/meditation through the
list managers
4vi - these calls will only be judged for whether they conform to
paragraphs 1 and 2 of the association and are indeed alert calls and/or
calls for shared vigil/prayer/meditation ˆ be the alert call for the fate of
the prostitutes of this or that city being driven off the streets, or for
the highest good to win through in the China-Taiwan conflict
4vii ˆ the calls will be drawn together into one, weekly posting, to become
known as something like "The Wednesday Call"

I am pleased to have been asked to make a contribution to the discussion and
hope that what I have come up with is helpful.

Here is my own lightbearer slant (exactly 300 words excluding this intro):

'My hope as a lightbearer, and my work to realize that hope, is to spread
understanding about the nature of money today and from the beginning ˆ my
awareness being that money is at base a symptom of an apparently incurable,
homo economicus disease, of each going his/her own way ˆ a disease which the
jubilee and sabbath laws passed down through Moses were designed to keep in
check and which Jesus confronted and overcame.

'In my talks on Love and Money I bring light to bear on the prevailing debt
money system. I show why it has no future. For the system requires
money-needful and money-generating 'growth' of an order that we know is
destroying the Earth and our humanity. There is a general call for sustainable economies, but this will not happen without
¤ taking away the monopoly right of the private banking system to control
money supply at interest, for profit,
¤ cancelling all debts and redistributing real (not financial) wealth in the
spirit of Jubilee, and
¤ replacing the prevailing debt money system with an interest-free, public
service money supply, mainly directed to restructuring the cities and
reorganising agriculture for small-scale organic farming through farm

'However, these reforms will more than likely give rise to a new tyranny, of
bureaucratic control over all economic activity, unless the reform movement
is accompanied by a new schooling. There has to be a paradigm change from a
mindset that is primarily geared to quantitative gains for 'the good life',
to a mindset that is primarily geared to non-quantifiable giving and
receiving, contact and response, outreach and yielding in 'the better than
good life' of unconditional love.

'At the deepest level, "I am the church" is easy for me to say, although the
full meaning of the statement alludes me.'

In joy,

Boudewijn Wegerif
Monetary Studies Programme
Vardingeby Folkhogskola
S ˆ 150 21 Molnby, Sweden
Telephone: +46.158.23315

From: "John Owen" <>
Subject: Re: Draft proposal.
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000

Dear Jean and friends,

Thanks for the opportunity to review your draft proposal. As i reflect on
my own work, and that of your lightweaver network as it's developed over the
past two years, I'm concerned that I/we have a tendency to react to crises
as they arise. This isn't a bad thing, most likely we have prevented or
delayed global nuclear war, and I believe that your network lessened the
suffering in Yugoslavia and elsewhere.

Still, things keep getting worse. The environment is further degraded each
day; anger and rage occupies the consciousness of more and more people;
technology (HAARP and other military schemes) continues to develop new and
more destructive weaponry, and the biotech industry is attacking the basis
of life itself.

We can't achieve our goals by being reactive. We have to create a vision of
what the world will look like once conscious values become law. It's much
easier to be against something than be for something. My specialties have
been nuclear issues and biodiversity, and even in these communities there is
no consensus on a vision of the future.

I wonder how much of a consensus we have on a vision for the future. Mine
includes these elements:

1. An end to nationalism. While you may be proud to be from Quebec, and I'm
proud to be from Southern California, neither of us should have the right to
go to war with each other with the tools of modern technology. This will
require some sort of global federal structure that prevents war, while
preserving the right of each people to develop their own culture and mores
in their own ways. A country like Tibet needs to be able to keep its
"primitive" lifestyle, instead of facing either "modernization" or

2. An end to anthropormorphic thinking. My perception is that every living
thing, and Mother Earth herself, have exactly the same quality of
consciousness as do human beings. Pigs and trees and rivers are not
considered by the global culture to have any value in their own right, only
as far as they can be of benefit to and used by human beings. This is the
morality of the rapist and murderer. I see a future where the prevailing
diet is vegetarian, organic and homegrown. If we don't have the same
compassion for all living things that we do for human beings, we're missing
the boat.

I like the process you've created. We've done quite a bit of good and will
do more in the future. But we need to know where we are going and be
courageous enough to put our views out to the public. Perhaps we need a
"federalist papers" approach as we develop a global constitution which
serves love and light. We'll be ridiculed at first, and probably taken to
jail if enough people start listening. Prophecy is a dangerous business with
few rewards.

I know that there's nothing basically wrong with human beings. The problem
is that we don't know our place in the scheme of things. Once enough of us
see things in a broader perspective, we'll be able to find our place in the

May Peace Prevail on Earth

Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000
Subject: Re: Draft proposal. Important - Please review this as soon as you can.

Dear Jean:

Thanks for the draft proposal. First let me commend you on your continuing
dedication both to positive planetary transformation and to the democratic
process. Though we have somewhat different personal styles, I have always
respected both your work, dedication and your open heart.

As you mentioned in the proposal, I was also considering creating a
guidance council for the Planetary Awakening Network. Since many of the same
folks are involve in both ERN and PAN, and since you have already initiated
such a discussion for ERN, I have decided to put that process for PAN on ice
for the time being in order to see where this thing goes.

Also, having been through the weeks of work and hundreds of emails involved
in collective decision making when PAN participants chose the name of our
association and other aspects of our set up and operation, I am painfully
aware of the amount of time and energy it takes to shepherd that process. So
I have decided to wait a bit, a least for the time being. Perhaps I will
learn something.

In terms of specific feedback on the proposal, I would suggest only one
consideration and that is to look closely at what is already in existence so
as not to reinvent the wheel. As you know, when PAN came into existence, we
initially had some stiff resistance from someone who already was facilitating
an international monthly meditation group; that is, until he understood that
PAN was being set up as an "emergency alert system." Once he understood
that, he became a participant.

Almost daily now I am receiving emails from folks asking me to take action
or hold different concerns in prayer & meditation. If I were to respond to
all of them I would have to give up any semblance of personal life and enter
a monastery! Some of these alerts involve major natural disasters, present or
pending ecological crisis, wars and ethnic conflict, support for political
candidates and email action on behalf of specific animals or critically ill
humans. The list goes on and on.

This leads me to two questions. Given the fact that people have different
levels of commitment, time and interest to even deal with crisis situations
that are immediate and emotional, how easy will it be to engage folks in
"upstream action," however practical, important and needed it may be?

The second question is this. Is there currently a website that lists all
of the ongoing hourly, daily, weekly and monthly meditations that are
designed to accomplish what you propose? We do know that many such efforts
already exist. Has anyone compiled them? It occurs to me that such an
undertaking might be even more valuable than the long, involved process of
creating a whole new system. At least the results would show whether or not
there is a need for something new or whether the work has already been done.

In a way, I suppose, I have "started upstream" with the process which led
to your proposal, feeling that it is important to identify what is already
addressing the problem, and how well, before going on to create a new

For various reasons, my own time this spring is very limited. At first I
didn't think I would even be able to contribute to this process, but since it
indirectly involved PAN - at least by reference - I thought it was important
to share my thoughts and position, at least this once.

Love & Blessings,


Hello Boudewijn

Just a quick - it is late and I'm tired - word of thanks, sincere and hearthy thanks, my brother for this magnificent and inspired response to my initial draft.

I'll comment in more details tomorrow and will also respond to the other very good comments sent by John Owen and Michael Lightweaver this Sunday.

Quite synchronistically I also read tonight before opening your other email "Grandfather's prediction of huge holes in the sky could relate to HAARP" the haunting and powerful "Night of the Red Sky" book excerpt and I think you hit it right on with your explanation of what those holes in the sky are, although I'm no expert like you on what HAARP can cause.

I'll also soon network Night of the Red Sky to the ERN list - it is already posted on the ERN site at for those of you my friends interested to read this right away... You'll be blown away I tell you! - Also I have so much astounding material ready to be sent out now, you'll all be amazed to see what I have in store for eveyone.

Also I just want to mention briefly that I received a phone call this morning from Barbara Wolf and we had a very interesting and important conversation together both on the China-Taiwan situation -- see her email (below) to me on this sent after our conversation -- and on the current topic under consideration by this group. She is leaving shortly for another journey and so cannot get involved in our discussion but is very supportive of the idea of issuing a call to focus our meditations and Peace energies towards defusing the current tensions between China and Taiwan -- interestingly right after our phone conversation I tuned on the radio here to an interview with first a witness in Taiwan of the situation there right after the election (one of the main points mentioned was that everyone should rejoice at the fact that for the first time in Chinese history there is a peaceful and democratic transfer of power from one government to another -- well actually as I saw in the BBC news tonight, some of the defeated politicians took a bloody beating from their constituency angered that they have lost power!) and then a woman interviewed from Beijing reiterated the Chinese government's line that Taiwan is an integral part of mainland China and must be reintegrated one way of another and that this had the general support of the people in China (I'm not so sure of that anyway - is anyone living in Beijing really free to speak out against the official policy in a publically broadcast radio interview?...) and the main conclusion with the radio host and an invited expert was that only time could mend the relationship and that the more China will become democratic and allow free speech, the more Taiwan will be open to consider reunification.

And I also read tonight the revised and superb and very disturbing/saddening article "BEWARE, THE BEACHED CANARIES - What Stranded Dolphins and Whales are Trying to Tell us About a Global Emergency Beneath the Sea" by Bobbie Sandoz against the LFAS deployment and ongoing covert and illegal use by the US Navy worldwide - see below the conclusion of her article which in many respects is quite fitting with our overall discussion right now.

Well I wanted to say only a few words, so I'd be better stop here ;-)

All my best to you

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator

P.S. BTW I *loved* your presentation on your life's work and passion v. Best and most compelling summary of these excellent ideas I've ever seen.

ONE LAST NOTE: SINCE WE HAVE NOT HEARD FROM James Twyman and Roger Miles so far, this is the last time I'll include them as Cc to this thread of discussion...

Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000
From: Barbara Wolf <>
Organization: Global Meditations
Subject: What I intend to send on Tuesday.

Hi Jean, great talking with you this morning!
Here is what I intend to send out Tuesday.
Do you find any objections?

Love and Light,
Hello, this is Barbara Wolf.
Global Meditations Network

As you are undoubtedly aware, we are experiencing intense solar
activity. "Preparing for the Solar Maximum Cycle" is a channeled message
from Archangel Ariel giving a clear explanation of what is happening.

The intense solar activity causes anxiety and stress, and so any
tension within the human race is apt to be accentuated. Therefore,
it is best to be on guard against family rifts, be they within an
individual family or within a larger framework of a family nation.

An antidote for stress (negativity) is to send Positive Energies of
Peace, Love, and Light, and so, when you see a family rift, please help
in your own way to mend the fracture.

At this moment, two Chinese families, one called Mainland China,
the other called Taiwan, are experiencing a rift that has the
potential to affect the entire world. You can send Positive
Energy to help reduce this tension. On a daily basis, until
the matter is settled, will you spend a moment or two consciously
sending Positive Energy into this area of conflict?

Jean Hudon of the Earth Rainbow Network
( is consulting with
managers of peace networks on the best way to coordinate an effort to
help reduce the Chinese tension. A plan should be in effect soon.

I am leaving for the South Pacific on March 30 to conduct a
peace pole ceremony in Samoa on April 3 at the opening of the Global
Millennium People's Assembly. On April 23, I will briefly be in

If the tension between the two Chinese families has not eased by
April 23, will you send me your Positive Energies of Peace, Love, and
Light? Thank you.

Peace, Love, and Light,
Barbara Wolf


And, now that we are on the brink of full deployment of this
unexamined force, will the American public awaken in time to
make the connection, check its validity, and if there is a
connection, stop the madness? Or, will we remain drugged by
our usual denial and the silence of fear and apathy as we have
during other holocausts at human hands, enabling yet more
government crimes against nature and others as well as
Could this be the pivotal point at which humans decide if we
will orchestrate our own self-destruction with our typically
passive response to impersonal government actions or rally as
caring individuals in time to uncover the path of our more
conscious, courageous, and higher selves as well as a safe and
golden future for our world, ourselves, our children, and our
I was pondering these questions one day as I swam in a bay
amidst 50 dolphins who approached and circled me, then stayed
to play for over an hour. I was surprised by their visit in view
of my mood, since they usually avoid me when my thoughts are
weighty. But, on this particular day they swam near me to play,
show off their babies, and engage me in beguiling and flirty
gazes. I reflected on my decade of friendship with these high-
level beings and the notable lessons I had learned from them
that I had not learned from humans about how to be a more
loving and joyful human being.
I wondered as I swam if my species would have the wisdom
to allow the sweet grace of these bright and loving beings to
serve as mirrors reflecting our need to seek a higher place in
ourselves where we might act as kindly toward others as
cetaceans do. I also thought of the American Indian elders
predicting that whatever happens to "the great beast" -- or
whale -- will also happen to humanity, and I wondered which
fork in the road of our forecasted futures we would take --
the Apocalypse or golden age.
Then it occurred to me that as humanity stands at the portal
of the new millennium, it is in our power to select which road
we will travel. We can continue to kill the saints and sages in
our midst or change the course of human history by
surrendering our self-centered ways to their more lofty and
loving teachings.
Yet before we can claim this higher potential, we must
address what kind of species we truly want to be and which
future we wish to create. We must then commit to becoming
and creating whatever we choose. I also realized that to
succeed in doing this we need look no further than to the model
of loving kindness the dolphins and whales offer or the
manifesting tools the dolphins revealed to me in "Listening to
Wild Dolphins" which I have woven into my suggestions for
how we can respond to the LFAS challenge.

Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000
From: Deborah Moldow <>
Subject: Simpler is Better

Dear Jean,

After reading your beautifully written draft proposal and the comments
received from some of the wonderful people on the circulation list, I
can't help thinking that the best way to go forward with this is simply
to do it and not talk about it or set up any procedures.

For many of us right now, the greatest challenge is time: time to absorb
all the information flying at us, time to absorb the earth changes and
changes in consciousness, time to deepen our spiritual focus and also
care for our physical bodies. Time to read our e-mail.

We do not need to create a network - you have one, Michael has one. What
you are talking about is refining PROCESS, which is essential now, for
all of us in whatever work we are doing. But there is no need to ask
people to sign on to anything. Yes, suggest that we pray or tune in
every hour (or every minute when are better at it!). Yes, create a
council for creating group intention, but only if there are specific
tasks you want others to share. Otherwise, simply consult with any
number of us (or others) as you've done in this experimental outreach,
so that you have a consensus to move ahead with.

I think you are sensing a model of governance that will begin to emerge
when and where it is needed. But if it isn't needed as yet, let us stay
open and continue creating in the moment.

These are my thoughts. Thank you for all you are doing to keep us
focussed on our divine mission of love and light.

May Peace Prevail on Earth!


From: Jean Hudon
Date: March 22, 2000

Thanks a lot Deborah for putting into words the almost same exact ideas that were running through my mind today as I was meditating on what best route to follow to coalesce into a perfect simple middle ground the ideas expressed so far by those on this small discussion and co-creation group.

That's a very good example of group thinking and group process as we naturally gravitate towards a common thinking and agreement on the issue under discussion. Of course that is not to say some kind of formal statement summarizing the emerging understanding won't be necessary to bring up to speed the others not yet part of this thread of thinking. Boudewijn certainly had a good beginning of it and you helped further bring it into clearer focus Deborah (I like "council for creating group intention" as you put it and simply consulting others in other instances - more on this below). I was planning to refine it further today but other important tasks required my attention - I'm currently sowing indoor (in pots) the first seeds on this summer garden. So I'll give it a shot tomorrow - Wednesday.

Also regarding Michael Lightweavers' input, I would like to reiterate that from the start my intent was and is to use the existing PAN system as well as the others channels at our disposal collectively to network the suggested meditation foci that the members of this group and anyone coming onboard in the future (as participation could be on a rotating basis depending on our availability and on who is interested) may feel important to broadcast. I just did not want to overstep the boundary of responsibility in that you are the person facilitating PAN and therefore I would prefer that you take the lead, if you so choose, to propose the Guidance or Governing Council you had in mind as we discussed earlier before you went to Thailand. Of course if any of the elements discussed so far in this small group seems to adjust well with your own thinking and style, then go ahead and integrate whatever feels right into how you will present this project for the future development of PAN to the members on the PAN list. This is your role and not mine. And no need as far as I'm concerned to credit any specific person for these ideas as, to me, they are both the result of inner guidance and the emerging consensus of a group process. And so I would definitely appreciate that you take a more proactive role in this discussion, instead of putting anything on the ice and waiting to see the results. You deserve as much of any of us to have a direct input into shaping what is emerging with all the experience you have, some gained through lots of hard work as you mentioned.

I'd like also to briefly respond to your 2 questions:

#1 Given the fact that people have different levels of commitment, time and interest to even deal with crisis situations that are immediate and emotional, how easy will it be to engage folks in
"upstream action," however practical, important and needed it may be?

My comment is that I don't sense there is any need to push things to "engage" others in anything. This is part of the old controlling paradigm, if I may say so, and would not bring out the full potential of each person to follow their own perfect guidance and feel when it is appropriate for each one of them to respond or not in their own way to any suggested meditation focus that will be proposed. During my phone conversation with Barbara when I was trying to find out if she would agree that proposing a call for meditation as a cohesive group of Lightbearers (I very much prefer "Lightbearers" instead of "Lightworkers" BTW. Thanks Boudewijn!) as opposed to doing it as individuals as it has generally been done so far (except perhaps whem Marianne Williamson and James Redfield teamed together to issue such a call for instance), we then both realized that we intuitively all felt the inner prompting to rally around important meditation calls no matter who first issued the initial email about it or to suggest to our respective networks to take action on a hot issue requiring our collective attention. So it's more a matter for each person of recognizing when there is a call from within to take up an issue and then to shift into higher gear to tackle it, instead of being encouraged from an outside source to participate. Ideally this understanding that each person has to feel within if the matter suggested resonates with them before taking action on it would be reflected in the way the meditation calls will be worded.

Also I do not think we will ever have a clearinghouse group that would have the impossible task of receiving tons of suggestions from any of the hundreds of people involved in PAN and in our other networks and deciding which issues should be selected for an official group endorsement - because we simply will never place ourselves into such a position of "authority" and so assuredly open the door to criticism. As I see it, we can simply pass around within a circle of advisors any future calls for meditation we will individually feel the urgent need to introduce to others, *before* broadcasting them as a way to sense if there are any red flags raised by the members of this advisory group or suggested improvements or deletions to our call before going ahead -- or not -- and broadcast it (just as Barbara did for the "Pacific tension" call before she sent it out -- NOTE to BARBARA: I intend to prepare a short introductory comment to go along with it tomorrow when I'll also send it to the ERN list; and perhaps each of us can consider likewise to prepare a personal comment and send it to our respective networks -- if you choose to relay this "Pacific tension" call of course).

So for instance, if such a "screening" advisory system had been in place when I felt the urge to issue a call in support of John McCain recently, I sure would have benefited from your inputs and have either cancelled or changed some aspects of it or added some words of caution. It would have come handy, wouldn't it Michael!

Now regarding your 2nd question Michael: Is there currently a website that lists all
of the ongoing hourly, daily, weekly and monthly meditations that are designed to accomplish what you propose? We do know that many such efforts already exist. Has anyone compiled them?

First I never encountered such a website and this is not what I proposed. The fact that you mentioned this lead me to believe that you have perhaps missed the point or that I have not presented correctly what I had in mind. But since you understood that I wanted to create a whole new system -- "It occurs to me that such an undertaking might be even more valuable than the long, involved process of creating a whole new system." -- which is not the case -- then perhaps you did not understoof me. I don't want to reinvent the wheel as PAN is a perfect alert system, I simply would like to help it fulfill its whole potential which has barely been used so far. In fact PAN is greatly underutilized - simply think about how many important crises and conflicts occurred in the last 3 months around the world (think of Chechnya, Mozambique, etc, ilyes already listed some of them in her comment a few days ago) for which not a single meditation call was issued by anyone on the PAN list and you'll understand what I mean by "underutilized". That is why PAN has been set up for IMHO, certainly not simply to pass around information on workshops or require prayers for an individual somewhere and so on.

Still it would be interesting to create such a website but it would just be yet another website amongst the millions already in existence, like a page in a huge book that some people would find by chance and quickly review out of curiosity from time to time without enticing many of them to take an active role in any of these many many groups proposing all kinds of meditation schedules. No, really, what gets people's attention is what gets into their email box, coming from a credible well-known source, well presented in a factual, non-hyped way (remember the ONE Billion people meditation!), briefly summarizing the need and simply suggesting to pray/meditate for the highest good possible for everyone involved, and this at the time best suited for the person reading it (time does not exist in the spiritual realm and so not a single microwatt of spiritual light emitted is ever lost) or at a global rendez-vous point in time if needs be, each situation being unique.

I'll stop here because again it is waayyy too late.

But I think these precisions were useful at this point.

Back in touch shorlty my dear friends


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000
Subject: Re: Simpler is Better

Hi Jean,

All points well taken. Regarding your comment that:

"In fact PAN is greatly underutilized - simply think about how many important
crises and conflicts occurred in the last 3 months around the world (think of
Chechnya, Mozambique, etc, ilyes already listed some of them in her comment a
few days ago) for which not a single meditation call was issued by anyone on
the PAN list and you'll understand what I mean by "underutilized". That is
why PAN has been set up for IMHO, certainly not simply to pass around
information on workshops or require prayers for an individual somewhere and
so on."

A few reflections: There are PAN participants who feel that the system is
over utilized. When participants drop out or move from "unrestricted" or
"weekly" to "Alerts Only" it is usually because they are receiving too much
email, including alerts which are important to the sender and not to the

Since the system is fully democratic in that it is set up so that any
participant can send an alert to other participants then, if it is not being
used for a certain issue, such as Chechnya or Mozambique, it is simply
because no one has felt or accepted the inner call to do so. The biggest
challenge we have faced, of course, is a difference in perspective on what is
serious enough to require an alert. Unfortunately it isn't a black and white
issue and there are many shades of gray. Secondly, participants represent
many different perspectives, levels of consciousness, sense of global
citizenship, etc.

I don't have answers for most of the concerns being raised in this discussion
but there are valuable issues under consideration. As I mentioned before, I
am in a rather intense time personally right now and my networking and
coordinating role is taking all of my available time.


From: "Leigh"
Subject: Re: draft proposal
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000

Dear Michael

In answer to your question, there is a list of meditation linkups on my site
( and on Barbara Wolf's site


Dear Jean, Deborah, Michael, et al.

Michael and Deborah's comments make a lot of sense. We already have networks
in place to disseminate the meditation requests, and we should use them for
this purpose. The question is, is there a necessary requirement that is
presently not addressed or sufficiently addressed that your proposal does
sufficiently address?

The advantage of creating an additional list of contacts for the kind of
work you have suggested is that we then know exactly who will be joining us
in the specific work you have proposed, and this will be useful if we wish
to exchange information with these people, or if we wish to establish strong
links with them. It will also enable us to gauge the numbers of people who
are interested in the work you propose, and through this will enable us to
"see how we are doing". However, does Michael's PAN network currently
provide the means for this? Does it also provide the same kind of focus,
interaction, coordination, and commitment that you, Jean, are looking for?
If not, Michael, do you think PAN can if these things are actually

I don't know where we are heading now, but until I hear otherwise I will
assume we are still going ahead with this.

I agree with Deborah that there is no need for us to sign things. Before I
received Deborah's e-mail I had already made a choice not to sign my name at
the bottom any proposed draft. While I am willing to proof-read and
contribute to the draft, I have decided not to add my name to it because 1)
I do not feel it is necessary for the draft to achieve its purpose; 2) I do
not wish to see the draft becoming a means for the self-glorification or
self-promotion of its contributors; and 3) I do not wish my name to be
associated permanently with something that I may later wish to be
dissociated with if I no longer resonate with how it develops. I hope you
understand, Jean. It is very easy for our inspired ideas to become distorted
through ego and lack of clarity at any time. We need to be very clear about
this and the importance of what we are proposing, and not loose sight of the
opportunity we all have if it is put it into effect.

I think it is important that we keep the project/network as focused and as
impersonal as possible (name, location and contact info are the only details
we really need from participants). Otherwise there is a danger that the
values and intentions of the draft will get eclipsed or discoloured by the
general personal views and interests of participants - which are mostly
irrelevant to the purpose of the draft anyway. Let's not start losing focus.
As Deborah says, Simpler is Better.

For what it is worth, here is my suggested editing of the draft in response
to your questions. It is only a rough editing, and I welcome others to edit
or ammend it further.


1. About the [Project/Initiative/Network, etc]

The purpose of this initiative is to facilitate greater cooperation and
synchronisation between those who work or wish to work for peace and healing
on Earth through meditation and other consciousness-raising techniques.
There are already a number of extensive networks dedicated to this aim, such
as the Planetary Awakening Network, with which we intend to work.

To further this aim we are putting forward a proposal for the formation of a
core group [note to Jean - to me "core group" sounds better than "council",
which has unconfortable political connotations] to provide coordination and
guidance for those in these networks who require it. By doing so we believe
that we will be providing the means for a greater degree of order to emerge
from what currently seems to be an unfocused and - to some extent -
individualistic movement of people, and thereby increase the power and
resonance of our collective healing intent.

This project is based upon the following three ideas and principles:

i) We are all essentially interconnected. This has been confirmed by the new
physics, the study of systems theory, and transpersonal experiences. [note
to Jean - is the example of the effect of the death of Diana really suitable
to make this point? To some extent her death did unite us, particularly in
grief, but our response was also an individualistic one to the death of
something within each one of us that we had projected onto Diana. In my
opinion it seems a complicated issue to use as an example, and does not make
clear how our interconnectivity can be harnessed for the greatest good.]

ii) The whole is greater than the mere sum of its parts. The more united in
intent and synchronized in action that we become, the more powerful our
collective effect. [note to Jean - it's best not to use the word 'influence'
here otherwise it may sound like we are not respecting free will and are
trying to force an outcome on people and situations - which is only a small
step away from psychic warfare.]

iii) In meditation we become receptive to our essential unity with all
things, and by so doing can act as channels for the further reception of
this spiritual awareness and its unlimited love, wisdom, and power into the
collective consciousness. This is particularly so when we are joined with
each other in meditation and are allowing the powerful effect of this
collective awareness to radiate out to all life.

2. Suggestions for the Project

The simplest suggestion that may first come to mind is to encourage everyone
to dedicate at least once a day a few minutes of their time, at any hour, to
closing their eyes, opening their heart, and connecting with the worldwide
web of meditators, and to let the power of universal love uplift their
consciousness and enhance the resonance of this vibration of love within
all. Thus, wherever you are, and whenever you participate, you will know and
may sense that countless others are experiencing, just like you, a moment of
At-Onement with Life, and in so doing, are helping to catalyze the the
spiritual awakening within humanity that will enable the peaceful resolution
of conflict to be reached and the reorientation of human priorities towards
satisfying the basic survival and evolutionary needs of all on Earth.

Then, in addition to this regular practise that will both accelerate the
spiritual awakening of every participant and help generate a global
atmosphere of peace and compassion towards all life, we can also consider
the possibility of uniting once a week, every Sunday at noon local time, for
the purpose of facilitating the peaceful resolution of potential or existing
conflicts in the world. To help set the main focus (or foci) of each of
those weekly global meditations, we propose that a core group of persons
agrees to establish a set of simple, clear and flexible criteria that will
guide the selection of the situation or situations that warrant some urgent
collective healing attention, and on every Friday issue the suggested list
of places and problems requiring such attention.

Anyone would be welcome to submit issues and situations that are deemed
urgent and critical enough to necessitate a global focus of healing,
peaceful and love-filled energies. This core group would need to be small
enough (possibly 7 people) to be able to quickly and efficiently select each
weekly list of situations requiring our attention. The core group should be
as balanced as possible, its members representing as diverse a range of
viewpoints as possible. The core group should avoid selecting from a purely
intellectual perspective what the most pressing issues are, and pledge their
intention to act from their spiritual centre, checking within for the
appropriateness of selecting any proposed situation as a priority for
everyone. The core group members would make sure that the wording and
complexion of top-priority requests are general or basic enough to avoid
tinging the ultimate preferred outcome with preconceived ideas and
judgements as to what it should be. Our aim is to respect the free-will
evolution of all, and to dedicate all we do to the highest good of the
individual and the whole.

"May the highest good of all be achieved" could be the permanent motto and
overall focus for all issues marked for each weekly collective meditation.
[note to Jean - "highest good of all involved" is too ambiguous, for who
decides who is involved or not? All things are interconnected, so all things
are involved!]

Finally, this proposal does not preclude anyone from submitting information
on meditation linkups or other initiatives to others outside the project

Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000
Subject: Re: draft proposal

Hi Leigh,

In response to your question to me regarding PAN. I think PAN as an
association of networks can be anything we wish within the context of the
ground rules which we established by vote of all of the participants at the
time they were set.

Also, any participant or group of participants have the freedom to create a
special interest or special focus group apart from PAN by simply polling the
participants to see who wants to participate. This could involve special
interests such as environment, peace, etc. or a focus on certain geographical
areas of the planet, or some kind of spiritual swat team who wants to
meditate together every day, etc.

y own role with PAN is to hold the energy, maintain the groundrules as set
by the participants, provide the coordination, and - as I see it - try to
stay as neutral, objective, and out of the way as possible. I have
passionate social, political and spiritual convinctions but - because PAN is
such a "Unity-In-Diversity" effort with over 530 networks now involved from
45 countries - I try to keep these apart from my coordinating role,
especially since there are plenty of others who share the same convictions
and are freer to play the advocacy role.


From: "Boudewijn Wegerif" <>
Subject: SV: draft proposal
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000

Dear lightbearers,

I go along with Leigh's Draft and Suggestions. I quite agree with
the note concerning Princess Diana. I also agree that core group is better
than council. The only qualification I have concerns the 'motto'/'mantra'.
Whereas I agree that 'involved' is irrelevant, I don't think that "May the
highest good of all be achieved" is appropriate either. We are part of a
culture that is obssessed with achievement. I suggest, simply, "For the
highest good of all".

With regards,

Boudewijn Wegerif

Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000
From: Palden Jenkins <>
Subject: Re: draft proposal

Dear friends

With regret, I'm too engaged at the moment to follow this discussion or
actively participate, and I do trust you'll get it right!

I won't actively participate in what's being proposed and discussed,
because I'm committed to work in the Flying Squad over here in UK, which is
parallel to what you're cooking. We're quite clear that we will succeed in
our work on an ongoing basis (we've been at it nearly four years now) if we
stay on our decided track, keeping out of other major involvements, and
simply wishing them well. I'm sure you know what I mean...

We're gradually beginning to gear up our own project, and the signs will be
visible online by the end of the year - but we're going for focus, tight
teamwork and commitment, and numbers and outreach are secondary in our
case, so we won't be seeking to suck in vast numbers of people, and our
work is rather discreet-to-secret too. To use a military analogy (which is
relevant in this work), I think you're perhaps pulling together a
'paratroop regiment' while we're working more on a 'special ops' squad -
and they're both relevant to the overall effort! We just gotta approach
this task before us on all fronts!

If my specific assets/experience/counsel are sought after, and no one else
is covering them, you can still try me out now and then!

Wishing well with the project and everything you're all doing!



Hello Palden

After reading your recent update you sent me on what you are up to in your life, I had the feeling you were soon going to have to make this decision. Similarly for me Spring is here and I'll have to devote more and more time to gardening work and lots of other things. So I want this process to be as simple as possible and now that we have a good outline of how this core group will proceed - at least that's what I hope, for there will certainly be more feedbacks from people on the ERN list and the PAN list once the proposal is made public which I intend to do in the next few days after circulating tonight the final revised draft (more of less the one Leigh sent us a couple days ago Plus some introductory comments from me) resulting from the discussion we just went through.

I thank you Palden - and the same applies to everyone else involved so far! - for contributing your invaluable perspective and insights to this process whose resulting Advisory Group should be a useful complement to the excellent Alert system we have through the PAN network and the other various groups and networks we each care for.

If you don't mind I'll keep you for now on my short reference list for occasional consultations as part of the Advisory Group -- and this also applies to the othr people listed in the Cc list -- but if it becomes too much of a burden for you to review my requests for advice, simply let me know and I'll discontinue sending them to you. But of course, through your listing in the Earth Rainbow Network, you'll nevertheless receive the compiled feedbacks to this initiative once it is made public.

One other thing that comes to mind is to mention that it could be very useful and appreciated if you would let me/us know from time to time what are the most important issues chosen by the Flying Squad to focus on; then we could also consider including some of them as part of the very short list of topics proposed on a regular basis to the wider audience of PAN, ERN and other lists members.

Take care and have a very nice Spring


Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000
From: (Jean Hudon)
Subject: Peace Meditation Focus Group proposal - Final Draft sent for approval or final amendment if needed.

My dear friends

Here is the exact wording of the email I will send out to the PAN and ERN lists as soon as I have your consent to do so. I particularly need to know from you Michael if you agree with this and if you want your name and email address included to receive a copy of the responses from the people interested to comment on this initiative (see below). If anyone has additional changes and additions to make, it is still possible, hoping that the basic premisses of this proposal are now acceptable to all of you. I've made only a couple minor modifications to the last draft circulated by Leigh.

Thanks for your attention and your participation




Over the course of the last 3 weeks, a small group of people from various countries has started a discussion about the opportunity of creating a means through which we could better coordinate our efforts to assist through our meditations and prayers in the peaceful resolution of the various crisis and conflictual situations regularly occuring around the world.

The process of this discussion has gradually led to the formulation of the following proposal on which we would appreciate receiving your comments and reactions to further contribute to this co-creative project.

If you are interested in reviewing a compilation of all the emails exchanged so far in this discussion process, you can download all of them from: (Initial Post & Feedbacks)
and from: (First Draft Proposal and Comments Received)

This proposal is presented as a complement of the existing Internet networking system already provided through the Planetary Awakening Network (PAN) and will mainly operate through it, but also through other networks of similar intents. If this proposal meets with a generally favourable reception, it could also be integrated as part of the PAN structure. However it must be understood that the purpose on the following "Peace Meditation Focus Group" is not to overview in any way the policies and inner working of the PAN system.

Your comments and reactions can be emailed to both me ( and Michael Lightweaver <> and they will be forwarded to the initial core group making this proposal and later on compiled and archived on the Earth Rainbow Network (ERN) website for a review by all those interested to read the comments received - if you do not want your comments to be forwarded to anyone or posted on a website, please make sure to make it clear in your feedback.

And if you are interested in taking an active role and making a long term commitment (minimum 1 year) as part of this Focus Group, please let us know in your response.

Thank you for your consideration of this proposal

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator


Proposal for the creation of a Peace Meditation Focus Group

The purpose of this initiative is to facilitate a greater cooperation and synchronisation between those who work or wish to work for peace and healing on Earth through meditation and other consciousness-raising techniques. There are already a number of extensive networks dedicated to this aim, such as the Planetary Awakening Network with which we intend to work.

To further this aim we are putting forward a proposal for the formation of a core group (the "Peace Meditation Focus Group)" to better coordinate the efforts of everyone interested. By doing so we believe that we will be providing the means for a greater degree of order to emerge from what sometimes seems to be an unfocused and - to some extent - individualistic movement of people, and thereby increase the power and resonance of our collective healing intent.

This project is based upon the following three ideas and principles:

i) We are all interconnected and we can all resonate to one another as many have experienced during previous global meditations.

ii) The whole is greater than the mere sum of its parts. The more our minds and hearts are united around a common purpose through synchronized meditation and intent, the more powerful is our collective effect.

iii) In meditation we become receptive to our essential unity with All That is, and by so doing can act as channels for the further reception of this spiritual awareness and its unlimited love, wisdom, and power into the collective consciousness. This is particularly so when we are joined with each other in meditation and are allowing the powerful effect of this collective awareness to radiate out to all life.

Suggestions for the Project

1. The Golden Moment of At-Onement

The simplest suggestion that may first come to mind is to encourage everyone to dedicate at least once a day a few minutes of their time, at any hour, to closing their eyes, opening their heart, and connecting with the worldwide web of meditators, and to let the power of universal love uplift their consciousness and enhance the resonance of this vibration of love within all. Thus, wherever you are, and whenever you participate, you will know and may sense that countless others are experiencing, just like you, a moment of At-Onement with Life, and in so doing, are helping to catalyze the spiritual awakening within humanity that will enable the peaceful resolution of conflicts to be reached and the reorientation of human priorities towards satisfying the basic survival and evolutionary needs of all on Earth.

2. The Global Peace Day

In addition to this regular practise that will both accelerate the spiritual awakening of every participant and help generate a global atmosphere of peace and compassion towards all life, we can also consider the possibility of uniting once a week, every Sunday at noon local time, for the purpose of facilitating the peaceful resolution of potential or existing conflicts in the world. To help set the main focus (or foci) of each of those weekly global meditations, we propose that a core group of persons agrees to establish a set of simple, clear and flexible criteria that will guide the selection of the situation(s) that warrant some urgent collective healing attention, and, on every Friday, issue the suggested list of places and problems requiring such attention.

Anyone would be welcome to submit issues and situations that are deemed urgent and critical enough to necessitate a global focus of healing, peaceful and love-filled energies. This core group would need to be small enough (possibly 7 people) to be able to quickly and efficiently select each weekly list of situations requiring our attention. The core group should be as balanced as possible, its members representing as diverse a range of viewpoints as possible. The core group should avoid selecting from a purely intellectual perspective what the most pressing issues are, and pledge their intention to act from their spiritual centre, checking within for the appropriateness of selecting any proposed situation as a priority for everyone. The core group members would make sure that the wording and complexion of top-priority requests are general or basic enough to avoid tinging the ultimate preferred outcome with preconceived ideas and judgements as to what it should be. Our aim is to respect the free-will evolution of all, and to dedicate all we do to the highest good of the individual and the whole.

"For the highest good of all" could be the permanent motto and overall focus for all issues marked for each weekly collective meditation.

Finally, this proposal does not preclude anyone from submitting information on suggested meditation linkups or other initiatives directly to others through the Planetary Awakening Network of through any other channels.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From: "Leigh"
Subject: Re: Peace Meditation Focus Group proposal - Final Draft sent for approval or final amendment if needed.
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 14:45:06 -0000

Dear Jean

Thanks once again for your admirable efforts in putting all this together.

In your e-mail, you wrote:

"And if you are interested in taking an active role and making a long term
commitment (minimum 1 year) as part of this Focus Group, please let us know
in your response."

I am wondering if the requirement for a minimum of 1 year commitment is too
rigid? I understand your reasoning, Jean, but I'm just concerned that it may
deter some genuinely interested people who don't like binding themselves to
things, and who often don't know for sure what they will be doing in the
near future, and may yet have something valuable to contribute. Some kind of
commitment is necessary, for sure, but maybe people should be informed of
what is required of them, particularly at the time they enquire, and then be
allowed to decide for themselves how long they can be commited to the focus
group. In general, those who are really interested will take the matter
seriously enough to make a reasonable commitment, and some will re-commit
themselves on a continual basis. What do others think about this?

Now onto the draft. This is fine, though there are some typos I noticed,
such as

(the "Peace Meditation Focus Group)"


All That is [All That Is]

and (last line)...

through the Planetary Awakening Network of through any other channels

Very minor stuff, but I like good presentation!



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From: "Boudewijn Wegerif" <>
Subject: SV: Peace Meditation Focus Group proposal - Final Draft sent for approval or final amendment if needed.
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000

Dear Lightbearers,

I go along with what Jean has proposed, with just six small editing changes,
mainly paragraph breaks, marked === in the copy below.

In friendship,

Boudewijn Wegerif

>Proposal for the creation of a Peace Meditation Focus Group
>The purpose of this initiative is to facilitate a greater cooperation and
>synchronisation between those who work or wish to work for peace and
>on Earth through meditation and other consciousness-raising techniques.
>There are already a number of extensive networks dedicated to this aim,
>as the Planetary Awakening Network with which we intend to work.
>To further this aim we are putting forward a proposal for the formation of
>core group (the "Peace Meditation Focus Group)" to better coordinate the
>efforts of everyone interested. By doing so we believe that we will be
>providing the means
>for a greater degree of order to emerge from what sometimes seems to be an
>unfocused and - to some extent - individualistic movement of people, and
>thereby increase the power and resonance of our collective healing intent.
>This project is based upon the following three ideas and principles:
>i) We are all interconnected and we can all resonate to one another as many
>have experienced during previous global meditations.
==== (I think the first sentence here, "The whole is greater than the mere
sum of its parts" is a truism and could be omitted) . ====
>The more our minds
>and hearts are united around a common purpose through synchronized
>and intent, the more powerful is our collective effect.
>iii) In meditation we become receptive to our essential unity with All That
>and by so doing can act as channels for the further reception of
>this spiritual awareness and its unlimited love, wisdom, and power into the
>collective consciousness. This is particularly so when we are joined with
>each other in meditation and are allowing the powerful effect of this
>collective awareness to radiate out to all life.
>Suggestions for the Project
>1. The Golden Moment of At-Onement
>The simplest suggestion that may first come to mind is to encourage
>to dedicate at least once a day a few minutes of their time, at any hour,
>closing their eyes, opening their heart, and connecting with the worldwide
>web of meditators, and to let the power of universal love uplift their
>consciousness and enhance the resonance of this vibration of love within
>all. Thus, wherever you are, and whenever you participate, you will know
>may sense that countless others are experiencing, just like you, a moment
>At-Onement with Life, and in so doing, are helping to catalyze the
>spiritual awakening within humanity that will enable the peaceful
>of conflicts to be reached and the reorientation of human priorities
>satisfying the basic survival and evolutionary needs of all on Earth.
>2. The Global Peace Day
>In addition to this regular practise that will both accelerate the
>spiritual awakening of every participant and help generate a global
>atmosphere of peace and compassion towards all life, we can also consider
>the possibility of uniting once a week, every Sunday at noon local time,
>the purpose of facilitating the peaceful resolution of potential or
>conflicts in the world.

=== (Paragraph break)
>To help set the main focus (or foci) of each of
>those weekly global meditations, we propose that a core group of persons
>agrees to establish a set of simple, clear and flexible criteria that will
>guide the selection of the situation(s) that warrant some urgent
>collective healing attention, and, on every Friday, issue the suggested
>of places and problems requiring such attention.
>Anyone would be welcome to submit issues and situations
==== (insert) to the core group ===
>that are deemed
>urgent and critical enough to necessitate a global focus of healing,
>peaceful and love-filled energies.

=== (Paragraph break)
===(Change first word of paragraph from This to The)
>The core group would need to be small
>enough (possibly 7 people) to be able to quickly and efficiently select
>weekly list of situations requiring our attention. The core group should be
>as balanced as possible, its members representing as diverse a range of
>viewpoints as possible. The core group should avoid selecting from a purely
>intellectual perspective what the most pressing issues are, and pledge
>intention to act from their spiritual centre, checking within for the
>appropriateness of selecting any proposed situation as a priority for
>everyone. The core group members would make sure that the wording and
>complexion of top-priority requests are general or basic enough to avoid
>tinging the ultimate preferred outcome with preconceived ideas and
>judgements as to what it should be.

===(Paragraph break)
>Our aim is to respect the free-will
>evolution of all, and to dedicate all we do to the highest good of the
>individual and the whole.
>"For the highest good of all" could be the permanent motto and
>overall focus for all issues marked for each weekly collective meditation.
>Finally, this proposal does not preclude anyone from submitting information
>on suggested meditation linkups or other initiatives directly to others
>through the Planetary Awakening Network of through any other channels.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I received two more feedbacks (see below) that to my knowledge were not Cced to the list.

I want to thank you Boudewijn and Leigh for your careful review of the final draft proposal and the fine-tuning changes you recommended which have all been included. I also took out Michael's name at his request (see his comment below) as a recipient of the feedbacks. And I deleted the (minimum 1 year) requirement since it would indeed cause a problem with some people as Leigh and Maggie (see below) indicated. I believe that "making a long term commitment" is clear enough anyway.

I also thank you for your support to go ahead with this proposal as it now stands. That's what I'll do tomorrow (Saturday evening) if I receive no red flag from anyone in the meantime.

Then we will see what the response is. I'll forward to you a compilation of all the comments received without exception as they'll come in. And then we will have to figure out who is actually willing to be part of this Peace Meditation Focus Group and settle on how we will go about to define the criterias for selection that remain to be decided upon as explained in the proposal, as well as define a simple and effective procedure to process the suggested crisis points submitted to our attention, distill down the essential contextual information to be included along with each situation retained for the weekly list of foci to be submitted to the attention of the lightbearers around the world, and think about all the other considerations that will need to be factored in for the best results and the smoothest functioning.

Love and Light and For the highest good of all ;-)


P.S. See my additional comment below after Maggie's feedback. I just thought that I will also add this to the email tomorrow: P.S. You are welcomed to forward this email to anyone who might be interested.

Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000
Subject: Re: Peace Meditation Focus Group proposal - Final Draft sent for approval or final amendment if needed.

Hi Jean, et. al.

Just a quickie. I would prefer that my name not be a part of the proposal,
and certainly not as someone to whom people should respond concerning it.
Also, at this point, I think it would be wise not to give any impression that
the proposal is directly or indirectly related to PAN, except that it was
birthed by one of the participants. I won't bore the whole group with details
except to say that it isn't about content so much as process. If anyone is
interested, I can explain.

I will respond to your other personal letter in some detail, hopefully today or tomorrow.


Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000
Subject: Re: Peace Meditation Focus Group proposal - Final Draft sent for approval or final amendment if needed.

Dear Jean,

The final draft is fine with me. I would like to be a member of the core group but
do not feel I can make a commitment of one year. We are all going through so many changes and such fast transformation that it is hard to know what will happen in the coming weeks let alone a year. I can only commit to giving this the best possible attention at this time and holding the intent to stay true to the project as long as it feels right to me and all concerned.

Also I don't Sunday lunchtime is a good time to connect, Sunday evening might be
better.. Sunday is a family day and for those with families or who like to go out
on weekends it might be difficult. For myself personally, I am often invited for
lunch on Sundays or go out with friends in nature.



NOTE FROM JEAN: Thanks a lot for your commitment to the Focus Group Maggie. There won't be any minimum requirement for participation as explained above. Also reharding the Sunday suggested rendez-vous point, I've added after "every Sunday at noon local time" the following "or at any other time of the day that best suits you," in this paragraph:

2. The Global Peace Day

In addition to this regular practise that will both accelerate the spiritual awakening of every participant and help generate a global atmosphere of peace and compassion towards all life, we can also consider the possibility of uniting once a week, every Sunday at noon local time or at any other time of the day that best suits you, for the purpose of facilitating the peaceful resolution of potential or existing conflicts in the world.

AND NOW if you want to read the "Peace Meditation Focus Group proposal" that resulted from this whole process and was emailed to more than 2000 people last March/26/2000, please go at: