Special Meditation Focus



This is a special issue from the Global Meditation Focus Group for the Anniversary of Harmonic Convergence on August 17.

The Harmonic Convergence Anniversary

1. Summary
2. Meditation Times
3. More on Harmonic Convergence and its Anniversary


Harmonic Convergence took place on August 16-17, 1987, when thousands of people around the world gathered at sacred sites to meditate on our global awakening to unity and love through divine transformation. This year there will be a special effort to rekindle the original vision of Harmonic
Convergence, and those who dream of an awakened humanity are being asked to gather together in Spirit on August 17 to ground the vision of global awakening.

The call to mark the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence is all about reacquainting ourselves with our collective vision as lightworkers, and empowering it. It is about caring passionately enough to unite in our diversity to dance our dream awake - to catalyse the awakening of the collective consciousness through the resonant effect of working together as one.

Please hold in your heart and mind a vision of our global awakening to unity and love. Unite in meditation with the forces of divine evolution and experience the healing of all relations as we awaken to the sacredness of all Life and to our underlying unity with All That Is.


i) Sunrise, Noon, and Sunset, Local Time.
ii) 12 noon Universal Time (GMT).
iii) At the top of any hour, or at any other time of your choice.

Differences from Universal Time are as follows, and are in Daylight Saving
Time where applicable:

Honolulu = -10 hours / Los Angeles = -7 hours / Denver & San Salvador = -6
hours / Mexico City, Houston & Chicago = -5 hours / New York, Toronto,
Montreal, Asuncion & Santiago = -4 hours / Rio de Janeiro & Montevideo = -3
hours / Reykjavik & Casablanca = 0 hours / London, Algiers & Lagos = +1 hour
/ Geneva, Rome, Berlin, Paris, Johannesburg & Madrid = +2 hours / Athens,
Helsinki, Jerusalem, Nairobi & Istanbul = +3 hours / Moscow & Baghdad = +4
hours / Tehran = +4 and a half hours / Islamabad = +5 hours / Calcutta & New
Delhi = +5 and a half hours / Dhaka = +6 hours / Rangoon = +6 and a half
hours / Hanoi, Bangkok & Jakarta = +7 hours / Hong Kong, Perth, Beijing &
Kuala Lumpur = + 8 hours / Seoul & Tokyo = +9 hours / Brisbane, Canberra &
Melbourne = +10 hours / Wellington = +12 hours


The original vision of Harmonic Convergence was of a global awakening to unity and love through divine transformation. It was initiated in 1987 by Jose Arguelles, who inspired many thousands around the world to gather at sacred sites on August 16-17 to meditate and hold this vision. According to his interpretation of Mayan cosmology, this time marked the end of the cycle of Nine Hells and the beginning of a new age of universal peace, as foretold in the Mayan Prophecies. For Jose it marked a moment when the Earth came into harmonic resonance with the galactic centre and was impregnated with transformational galactic energies. His original press release went out at a time when a major supernova appeared in the sky - the brightest supernova since 1604. In astrology supernovae represent a massive infusion of galactic light, and this one, when converted from equatorial to zodiacal coordinates, was in Aquarius - the sign of the New Age and of the awakening of group consciousness.

Jose defined Harmonic Convergence as "the point at which the counter-spin of history finally comes to a momentary halt, and the still imperceptible spin of post-history commences". Certainly, since Harmonic Convergence we have seen the Berlin Wall come down, a thawing of the Cold War, and more and
more people waking up. Many commentators are claiming that fewer of the predictions given by Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce are coming true. It seems that on one level the course of history has indeed changed. Yes, there are new challenges to face, such as the centralisation of global power, the growing rich-poor divide, and ecological destruction (all of which are linked); but there is a new interconnectivity and global conscience that is starting to emerge, stimulated by the growth of the Internet, and evidenced by the mass protests against the World Trade Organisation, the genetic engineering of food, and Third World debt.

To support the original vision of Harmonic Convergence, Michael Irving has launched an initiative called 'World Action', which uses August 17 as the focal date for an annual 'World Gathering'. His suggestion is that we gather at sacred sites and places of natural beauty, make contact with other people who are concerned for the Earth and Humanity, network, celebrate, and link up with participants all around the world. The nearest Saturday or Sunday to August 17 can also be used for this.

Michael's call raises an important question: Do we still care and feel inspired enough to come together as one in meditation and celebration as we did originally in 1987? Michael is in effect asking us to reacquaint ourselves with our collective vision as lightworkers, and to continue to empower it at all times so that it may reach fruition. Interestingly, surveys conducted at Yale University revealed that those individuals who had a clear vision of their life aims and wrote it down, empowering it every day, eventually found success in their lives, while those who did not do this felt much less fulfilled. The same principle applies on the collective level, and the empowering of the vision occurs when we unite together in Spirit.

While new energies seem to be coming to Earth to help lay the foundation for the Light Age, it is up to us whether we wish to build upon that foundation, for we have the free will. Do we care passionately enough to invest our energy into the vision of collective awakening, no matter what the cost? Do we care passionately enough to unite in our diversity to dance our dream awake - to catalyse the awakening of the collective consciousness through the resonant effect of working together as one? The world is what we make it, for our thoughts create it in every moment of our being. In the past we were initiated in temples. We have now graduated to the temple of Planet Earth, and our initiation concerns us moving beyond the limits of our personal ego to experience our being from a collective perspective as well as from a personal perspective. Whether we succeed or not in this task will determine the future course of our history.

For information on gatherings in the UK and worldwide, or if you would like to be a contact for your local area, please call Leigh on 0121 742 8575, e-mail LTremaine@freenet.co.uk, or visit www.worldhealing.co.uk/hca.htm

You can also e-mail Michael Irving at michaeli@globalnet.co.uk, or visit his website at www.world-action.com

To view a special compilation of Harmonic Convergence material, including an astrological reading of August 17, 2000, a special Harmonic Convergence 2000 guided meditation and a text on Earth Healing, please visit www.aei.ca/~cep/convergence.htm

If you intend to organize a local Harmonic Convergence 2000 event and would like to have your name listed as a local contact for others to know about it, or if you are seeking to find out if there is such an event in your area, please visit www.worldhealing.co.uk/hca.html

Disclaimer: The Global Meditation Focus Group respects but does not necessarily endorse the views and interpretations of Jose Arguelles or Michael Irving.

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For more information, please review the material posted by the Global Meditation Focus Group at http://www.aei.ca/~cep/focusgroup.htm