January 5, 2002
Miscellaneous Subjects #120: Lots of material to ponder
Hello everyone
Here is another installment of thought-provoking, informative and often vital material for you. As usual you are welcomed to send your comments, network it or recommend new material - but not too often of course, only real HOT stuff that needs worldwide networking. Please check later on today for the next Meditation Focus, in part on the India/Pakistan crisis.
Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator
"Wars can be prevented just as surely as they can be provoked, and we who fail to prevent them must share in the guilt for the dead."
- General Omar Bradley
1. Scientific Proof of Global Consciousness May Be Emerging
2. Criticism of the United Nations
3. Israeli soldiers beat Bethlehem housewife to death
4. Avoiding wars takes courage and responsibility
5. US missile shortage delays Iraq strike
6. More on Burning questions
7. What A Cell Phone Can Do To A Child's Brain In Just Two Minutes
Indian PM eases Kashmir tension
Biography on the Bush family
Great color pictures of George W. Bush, giving the Satanic hand sign - Plus interesting research and family background information.
The Enron Corp. scandal involves millions of dollars in campaign contributions to Bush, U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm and other members of Congress.
Executive Privilege Again
Afghan Refugees, Freezing, Hungry and Prey to Bandits
Argentina's economic meltdown might seem far away from American borders, but our greedy support of short-sighted IMF policies is largely to blame.
According to a new study, humans gobble up 32 percent of the total solar energy captured by land plants. How much more can we steal without upsetting the Earth's ecology?
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2002
From: Alexis Manzi Fe <alexis@sacredsites.co.uk>
Subject: Maybe there's hope after all!
Scientific Proof of Global Consciousness May Be Emerging
September 11 Attacks Registered Strongly
By Bernadette Cahill
Science may be on the verge of proving what the spiritual community has claimed all along about prayer and meditation: that group consciousness exists and it can show up on a worldwide scale. The events in the US on September 11 provided the latest indications of this possibility, when devices around the world registered significant anomalies before, during and for some time after the attacks.
As yet, scientists are not exactly sure what their results mean, but they do admit that something significant has occurred, and it has done so in similar circumstances before. The 38 devices called "eggs" are located around the world. These eggs generate random data continuously and send it for archiving and analysis to a special central location at Princeton University. They are known as Random Number Generators (RNG). To use an analogy familiar to most people through trips to the doctor, the network is like an EEG for the planet. The RNGs are the brainchild of scientists at Princeton University, who have been operating since the late 1990s ongoing research called the Global Consciousness Project (GCP). "The underlying motivation for this work," reports the GCPÃ web site at http://www.noosphere.princeton.edu/ , "is to discover whether there is evidence for an anomalous interaction driving the eggs to non-random behavior. In a metaphoric sense, we are looking for evidence of a developing global consciousness that might perceive and react to events with deep meaning.
On September 11, "The whole world reeled in disbelief and horror as the news of the terrorist attack and the unspeakable tragedy unfolded. The egg network registered an unmistakable and profound response. That morning, data that normally flows randomly suddenly began to register distinct concentrations in pattern, like a peak on a graph. Extreme deviations began "before the first World Trade Center tower was hit and continu(ed) for nearly three days, to the end of (September) 13th. The anomalous trend began at about 4 a.m. EST on September 11. Scientists at the GCP are unready to commit to what this means exactly. "We cannot explain the presence of stark patterns in data that should be random, they report, but they also state, "the results of our analyses are unequivocal. There is an important and uniquely powerful message here. When we ask why the disaster in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania should appear to be responsible for a strong signal in our world-wide network of instruments designed to generate random noise, there is no obvious answer. When we look carefully and discover that the eggs might reflect our shock and dismay even before our minds and hearts express it, we confront a still deeper mystery. We do not know if there is such a thing as a global consciousness, but if there is, it was moved by the events of September 11, 2001. We do not know how, but it appears that the coherence and intensity of our common reaction created a sustained pulse of order in the random flow of numbers from our instruments. These
patterns where there should be none look like reflections of our concentrated focus, as the riveting events drew us from our individual concerns and melded us into an extraordinary coherence. Maybe we became, briefly a global consciousness. The RNG have shown deviations from the norm on at least one major world event before, the death of Princess Diana. They also registered some deviations from random patterns during a global meditation organized by the Gaia Mind Project, designed for the five minutes between 17:30 and 17:35 Greenwich Mean Time on January 23, 1997 to coincide with an unusual astronomical conjunction. However, the RNGs registered no anomalies during the funeral of Mother Teresa, which came shortly after Princess Diana. The RNGs also registered no anomalies during an attempt to replicate the January 23, 1997 Global Meditation. It seems that the events that register significant deviations from random "share a common feature, namely, that they engage our attention and draw us in large numbers into a common focus. Professor Mike Perry, Ph.D, a mathematician and statistician in the Math Department of ASU works a lot with random numbers. He said that, while he doesn't know anything about the Global Consciousness Group, the fact it comes from Princeton gives it a "basis for legitimacy, and the results "are kind of interesting. "Some people might think this is just nonsense, he said "but I'm not skeptical of anything until it is proved or disproved. It's the first time I've seen anything like this. There are lots of different kinds of explanations for things, but the actual explanation of this is beyond the realm of mathematics and statistics. He suggested it might belong more to the realm of philosophers.
Could the effect that appeared on the RNGs during the attack be similar to the effect that occurs when people pray together? Fr. Rick Lawler, Parish Priest of St. Mary of the Hills Episcopal Church in Blowing Rock said, "I feel that when we are involved in prayer we are opening to the sacred, to what the Christian community calls God and to each other in ways that may have been closed off or frozen to each other. The more people who pray together, the greater the impact. "I can't say anything about the experiment or the numbers, but I would like to believe that (the effect of prayer) could be measured. If what's being measured does indeed prove the existence of group consciousness, such a result could be of major significance. If more generally known and accepted, groups worldwide could begin consciously and deliberately to choose to focus their thoughts, emotions and energies towards the achievement of a single intention worldwide. Henry Reed, Ph.D., Senior Fellow at the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies, who also teaches at Ancient Wisdom in Boone, said, "This study is adding to a growing body of evidence that a group of people, setting their intent and working in consciousness alone, can have an impact world wide.
HERE IS AN EXCERPT FROM: http://www.noosphere.princeton.edu/
The Global Consciousness Project
We do not feel that our minds are isolated within our bodies. In truth, we experience the world with beautiful immediacy, we know our loved ones from afar, and we leap in thought to the stars. Research on anomalies of consciousness shows that we may have direct communication links with each other, and that intentions can have effects in the world despite physical barriers and separations. Evidence compels us to accept correlations that we cannot yet explain. It appears that consciousness may sometimes produce something that resembles, at least metaphorically, a nonlocal field. The Global Consciousness Project (GCP) takes this possibility as a starting point for a speculation that such fields generated by individual consciousness would interact and combine, and ultimately have a global presence. Usually, because we are busy with individual lives, there is little to produce structure in the field, so it is random and not detectable. But occasionally there are global-scale events that bring great numbers of us to a common focus and an unusual coherence of thought and feeling. To study the effects of a possible global consciousness, we have created a world-spanning network of detectors sensitive to coherence and resonance in the mental domain. Continuous streams of data are sent over the internet to be archived and correlated with events that may evoke a world-wide consciousness. Examples that appear to have done so include both peaceful gatherings and disasters: a few minutes around midnight on any New Years Eve, the first hour of NATO bombing in Yugoslavia, the Papal visit to Israel, a variety of global meditations, several major earthquakes, and now September 11. CLIP
From: InnerSkies@aol.com
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002
Subject: Criticism of the United Nations
If indeed, as I believe, the foundation of the United Nations was rooted in some selfish elitist scheme to more easily control people rather than to act as some angelic international body of peace, then why would any modern day peace, love and freedom supporter believe the UN holds answers to solutions on the world's greatest problems? The ideal behind the UN is beautiful but the reality from the beginning was masked in deceit and outright stupidity. The presented notion was that all peace-loving countries would band together in a world where war would be avoided and harmony would reign through cooperation and fairness. There have been more wars and more bloodshed SINCE the advent of the UN than at any time before. Why?
The concept from the beginning was rooted in artificial soil. How can the UN be seen in anyone's eyes, at its inception, now, or any time in between, to be "representative" of "the people" when "the people" in most of the participating countries didn't or still don't even have a say in the representation of their own country to begin with!? The grand representative UN was brought forth and given emergence to begin with in an unbelievably obvious and clear UN-representative way. The UN from its start was a collective of countries run by kings, dictators, monopoly-clad political parties (which is what the U.S. has become, under the guise of a two-party system), and moneyed interests. It wasn't some grassroots bonanza. It wasn't some magical butterfly equipped with angelic wings. It was concocted by brutes and tyrants, the bulk of them right here in our own paradise of arrogant successors to golden hereditary thrones.
Is it any wonder that we now have a World Monetary Fund, a World Bank, a World Trade Organization, World Peacekeeping Forces, a World Court, and every other world thing, while the world keeps spiralling in a materialistic ball of ignorance and selfishness and fear and violence? This lovely world, based on the U.N. blueprint, is working just fine for those who created it for themselves, but it does not work for everyday people and it does not work, at its root level, with compassion and concern for love and freedom. That is why consolidation of power has perpetually increased everywhere one looks, especially so since hero Franklin Roosevelt met with good guys Churchill and Stalin and shoved the boondoggle down a duped world's throat. In medicine, in the media, in finance, everywhere, power has become centrally controlled while the people have been led to believe they are wise and free. Yikes!
Yes, the United States government is full of flaws, but the system is in place to correct the flaws because the citizens are ultimately given free will to fix things or help things rot. The United Nations system is flawed even in its foundation, and even in its motives, to those who can see through the veil and false declarations of love and peace from wealthy, powerful, conniving fear mongers who only want to always be in control over others. It was not the common people who met in backrooms and who continue to meet in backrooms, in secrecy, to draft the U.N. Charter or to continue to expand the stretch of the U.N.'s octopus tentacles while the people of the world suffocate and drown.
The creators of the UN and the perpetrators of continued UN expansion are the very same powers that continue to undermine love and the indomitable role of our open minds, hearts, souls and spirits in our individual and collective ascensions to a truly better and more beautiful world.
Ron McEntee
President/Publisher, Active Communications, Inc., Active Voice/The Weekly Farce, P.O. Box 394, Berea, OH 44017; InnerSkies@aol.com
Sent by "Mark Graffis" <mgraffis@islands.vi>
From: http://ummahnews.com/viewarticle.php?sid=2373
Israeli soldiers beat Bethlehem housewife to death
IAP News 30 December 2001
Israeli occupation soldiers last night raided Palestinian homes in several areas surrounding the town of Bethlehem, killing a young housewife after beating here savagely on the head using the butts of their rifles.
Hospital sources said Nujud Muhammed Ghuneim, 27, died of a massive brain haemorrhage resulting from a severe beating that also caused her skull to rupture.
Palestinian sources in Bethlehem said several crack Israeli soldiers raided Ghuneim's home at the village of el-Khader south of Bethlehem, and as the young woman sought to prevent the soldiers from vandalizing her utensils and house appliances, the soldiers reportedly started beating her savagely on the head until she collapsed.
Her cousin Muhammed Ghuneim described the incident as "extremely ugly."
"This is a reflection of the brutal ugliness of the Zionist-Jewish mentality. Here, you had ten soldiers, and all of them ganged up on the young lady, hitting her on the head without mercy until she died. So, why doesn't the American media speak about Jewish terror?"
Muhammed said the occupation soldiers understand only the language of death and murder.
"Nujud didn't pose any threats to those crack soldiers. She is a lady, does any person in his right mind believe she posed any risk to their lives?"
"If so why did they kill her? Why?
Sent by "Janet M Eaton" <jeaton@fox.nstn.ca>
From: http://www.jordantimes.com/Tue/opinion/opinion3.htm
The Jordan Times
January 1, 2002
Avoiding wars takes courage and responsibility
By Dr Jamal A. Shurdom
A GLANCE at the seriousness of the outcome of the first round of bloody "war against terrorism", compels us all, as responsible human beings, to do the impossible, before it is too late, for the sake of alleviating human suffering and to prevent the expansion of the war into other areas, notably Iraq. A paramount objective should be to save human lives and to avoid catastrophes. Humanely, no one can justify a war. Wars, under any circumstances and for whatever reasons, are unacceptable human behaviour. It is an uncivilised demeanour where the rule of the jungle applies: the strong savages the weak.
Humanity is facing the possibility of extinction because of the accumulation of ever more sophisticated, deadly weapons and technology. To end the "war-making" psychology certainly takes courage and responsibility. It takes new thinking and devoted peace-loving leaders who have to act before it is too late. Political leaders should understand the cost and the price of wars.
In logical terms, wars and violence should not and cannot serve to resolve political conflicts that might arise among governments and nations. The lives of peoples should matter more than those of self-centred political leaders, interested in elections, military industry contractors, political lobbyists, or the dominating superpowers' views of national security and interests.
Conflict of interest is a common phenomenon in human relations, but it should not make people pay the price and become the only victims of initiating wars. Peoples should urge their leaders to seriously start rethinking wars in terms of tools for political gains.
The young American soldiers, the people of the Middle East and any other people on this planet have the God given right to live and survive in a decent, peaceful environment. Peoples also have the right to fight terrorism, resist the policies of wars, and get rid of foreign occupation, control, exploitation and domination.
Leaders should realise that a new national and international consciousness is powerfully developing among the masses of the peoples of the world against the investors and the beneficiaries of bloody wars.
At this crucial moment of the post-Taleban era, serious and honest American-Iraqi, face-to-face negotiations could, if successful, save the region from indescribable catastrophe, notably saving the children and people of Iraq from starvation and death brought about by unjustified UN sanctions. Leaders should wholeheartedly attempt to ease tensions by mutual understanding and respect for the other's interests and security. Relations should be based on common interest and human principles of justice and fairness. Both the Iraqi and the American leaders, for the sake of saving human lives, should compromise in negotiating an acceptable political settlement based on mutual interest.
President George W. Bush should seriously rethink his decision, in dealing with Iraq. America shouldn't fight the wars of others. War against Iraq is not justified. Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism and never supported, financed or harboured a terrorist group. Iraq is not a fundamentalist or unreasonably fanatic state. Iraq is a secular state defending its views of sovereignty and independence. Fighting Iraq now is not fighting the Taleban or Osama Ben Laden, or even the Gulf War for the withdrawal of Iraqi troops from Kuwait. For the Iraqis, a war now would be a matter of life and death. It is a war of survival and existence. The price paid in the event of a war is too high.
Political leaders should responsibly understand that saving human lives is more important than saving political lives and faces. The conflict should not be personalised.
For the sake of the basic principles of human decency, dignity and civilisation, it is hoped that the American and Iraqi leaderships will endeavour to end the human sufferings of the children and people of Iraq and open a new chapter of American-Iraqi mutual understanding and peace.
The writer is an expert consultant in international affairs, national security, terrorism, American government and strategic studies. He is the chief editor of MECRA International Journal in Orlando, Florida, and adjunct professor of international affairs and politics.
From: http://www.portal.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;$sessionid$GEBBRKIAAFV3DQFIQMFSFF4AVCBQ0IV0?xml=%2Fnews%2F2001%2F12%2F30%2Fwirq30.xml
US missile shortage delays Iraq strike
By Sean Rayment
(Filed: 30/12/2001)
A SHORTAGE of cruise missiles has thrown plans for a full-scale strike on Iraq into disarray.
America's supply of the air launched version, one of the US air force's most sophisticated and deadly weapons, has become so depleted that military chiefs are pressing Boeing, the manufacturers, to speed up their production.
Even so, the first of the new batch of missiles ordered last year is not expected for months, and it may take longer to rebuild stocks to a level that would make such an attack viable.
Strikes against Afghanistan and Sudan in 1998 and Kosovo two years ago virtually exhausted the US supply. The number of conventional [non-nuclear] air launched cruise missiles left within the inventory is believed to be fewer than 30.
The £900,000 missiles are a vital tactical weapon because of their ability to destroy targets from up to 800 miles without warning.
The news came as President Bush pledged to maintain the war on terrorism in 2002. "Above all, this coming year will require our sustained commitment to the war against terrorism," he said in his weekly radio address. "We cannot know how long this struggle will last. But it can end only one way: in victory for America and the cause of freedom."
The US joint chiefs are known to be considering a number of plans to overthrow Saddam Hussein's regime. The military is thought to be pushing for a full-scale invasion of the country in a campaign similar to Operation Desert Storm, but this would require months of planning and the movement of hundreds of thousand of troops.
Fundamental to any plan is the use of overwhelming air power. Unless Iraq's air defence system was destroyed by cruise missiles, as in the Gulf war, the chances of heavy US casualties would be high.
Other options open to America include the use of Tomahawk cruise missiles, 85 of which have been fired against Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom. The Tomahawks can be launched from ships or submarines but lack the range for every target in Iraq, a fact that Saddam recognises.
It is also likely that the US Navy would not want its stock of Tomahawks diminished, potentially creating the nightmare scenario of the world's only military superpower being without a viable long-range missile force.
Rob Hewson, the editor of Jane's Air Launched Weapons, said American bombers would not be sent in until hostile air defence and communications systems had been all but destroyed by cruise missiles.
He said: "The Pentagon will not want to be in a position to launch another full-scale attack against Iraq without a full armoury of cruise missiles.
Iraq has one of the largest armed forces in the world. It has a very capable air defence system and the US wouldn't want to launch an attack against it without destroying most of its air defence first.
"The only real option as far as Iraq is concerned is to sit tight and replenish stocks." A Pentagon spokesman admitted that cruise missile stocks had been virtually exhausted after the strikes on Afghanistan, Sudan and Kosovo.
When asked whether the shortfall would delay any future large-scale military operation, he said: "The military chiefs are aware of the situation and measures are in place to fix it."
The Pentagon has also given the go-ahead for a more sophisticated version of the "Daisy Cutter" bomb which has been used in Afghanistan. The BLU118/B was first dropped on December 14 in the Nevada desert. The devices creates a pressure wave capable of destroying caves and killing troops in the open.
See also:
Bush handed three attack plans for Saddam
US build-up in the Middle East (20/12/2001)
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001
From: Palden Jenkins <palden.jenkins@btopenworld.com>
Subject: Burning questions
Dear Regina
Thanks for your e-mail with burning questions to Jean Hudon, which he circulated.
There's only one thing I don't understand about your report. How did you manage to meet up with so many people who treated you so - or gave you cause to feel so? Sure, there are advantage-takers everywhichway, but there are remarkable and good souls too, and plenty of them. Though they tend not to advertise themselves so much!
For your interest, I'm a Buddhist by origin (I have a Tibetan name, Palden, and I work with HH Karmapa) - though I'm eclectic and self-determining in it - and I'll choose not to get offended by your critique of Buddhists! I've been meditating 25ish years. I've been doing peace-and-reconciliation oriented meditation and psychic work for nine years. And I work online and in conflict-resolution groups with people in and from Palestine, Israel, Serbia, Ireland, Kosovo, Sierra Leone - and sometimes it is very exacting, painful and demanding, and I've had my life threatened a few times too, by the occasional desperado! So I'm very much involved in both meditation, geopolitics and active humanitarian work, crossing that divide you talk about, and I'd request that you don't tar everyone with the same brush!
I've been a new age teacher, writer and astrological counsellor for years, and, yes, I do charge - how else can I make a living and support my family? Yet if a person appears who genuinely needs my assistance, they get a good deal or come in for free, or some magic solution is found. I will only turn a person away if they show signs of exploiting me, or of making false claims of poverty or need (of whom there's a surprising number!). I have a habit of doing quite large-scale, unpaid, public-service deeds too, with little or no support - often paid from my own pocket. Why? Because it is more important that these things are done than that I get rewarded for it - I usually stay alive somehow. And, often, if you wait around trying to raise funding or make a business of it, it never happens at all, or the main point and intention is lost.
There is a problem with a charitable approach such as this though. When I turned fifty I was thoroughly burned out and got seriously ill, after thirty years 'on the campaign trail', and I had nothing at all to fall back on - all my reserves had gone years ago. I felt dispirited, as if I'd been sucked dry. I've never had the money to travel as much as you! My children have had to make do with the minimum - my son-in-law now earns twice what I do! You see, everyone thinks God fills my bank account, and it's just not true. Sometimes, despite all the aphorisms about trusting and letting the Goddess support you, you land up broke, worn out and in debt, and no one cares a damn! So there is some sense in making a living somehow, doing what you're good at, because the alternative is to stop doing it and get a 'straight job'. And if we all did that, the world would be a much poorer place.
It's a dilemma, and certainly, in the last twenty years or so, there has been a heavy accent on commercialism. But it has also been very difficult for 'true servers' too, who are not self-interested - and the support for such people has declined as the world has become more selfish and affluent. In the 1970s, people would come along occasionally with a $1000 cheque, saying 'because you're a good person and you've helped my life immensely', and all that stopped in the 1980s. In the 1980s-90s it was 'well, if you have no money, there's obviously something wrong with you'. In this I can agree with your (permit me to say) rather jaded feelings. Except that we must see through this, and cleave to enduring values nonetheless. Some things should be done in service, if necessary for free, without seeking reward. And, as a human, one must live and pay one's way. And somewhere between those two contradictory factors, there's a way through which has integrity to it. In the end, it's what you become by doing things, not what you get for doing things, that's important.
There are no simple answers. A lot of it has to do with our faith in humanity - and at times things can look bleak. However, I can assure you there are fine folks around, everywhere, in every calling, and perhaps you might try looking in different places to those you've looked in so far? Cooooey! We're over here! - And over here too!
Wishing you well in the coming year, and beyond
Palden Jenkins
Glastonbury, England
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2002
From: Neal Kruse <nkruse@pacbell.net>
Subject: What A Cell Phone Can Do To a Child's Brain
Noticed how we've all stopped worrying about our cell phones simply because everyone is using them and we just can't seem to do without. Think again. Neal
From: http://www.sundaymirror.co.uk/shtml/NEWS/P15S3.shtml
What A Cell Phone Can Do To A Child's Brain In Just Two Minutes
The Mirror - London 12-26-2001
These are the first images that show the shocking effect that using a mobile phone has on a child's brain.
Scientists have discovered that a call lasting just two minutes can alter the natural electrical activity of a child's brain for up to an hour afterwards. And they also found for the first time how radio waves from mobile phones penetrate deep into the brain and not just around the ear.
The study by Spanish scientists has prompted leading medical experts to question whether it is safe for children to use mobile phones at all. Doctors fear that disturbed brain activity in children could lead to psychiatric and behavioural problems or impair learning ability.
It was the first time that human guinea pigs were used to measure the effects of mobile phone radiation on children. The tests were carried out on an 11-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl called Jennifer. Using a CATEEN scanner, linked to a machine measuring brain wave activity, researchers were able to create the images above.
The yellow coloured part of the scan on the right shows how radiation spreads through the centre of the brain and out to the ear on the other side of the skull. The scans found that disturbed brain wave activity lasted for up to an hour after the phone call ended.
Dr Gerald Hyland - a Government adviser on mobiles - says he finds the results "extremely disturbing". "It makes one wonder whether children, whose brains are still developing, should be using mobile phones," he adds.
"The results show that children's brains are affected for long periods even after very short-term use. Their brain wave patterns are abnormal and stay like that for a long period. This could affect their mood and ability to learn in the classroom if they have been using a phone during break time, for instance. We don't know all the answers yet, but the alteration in brain waves could lead to things like a lack of concentration, memory loss, inability to learn and aggressive behaviour."
Previously it had been thought that interference with brain waves and brain chemistry stopped when a call ended. The results of the study by the Spanish Neuro Diagnostic Research Institute in Marbella coincide with a new survey that shows 87 per cent of 11- to 16-year-olds own mobile phones and 40 per cent of them spend 15 minutes or more talking each day on them. And disturbingly, 70 per cent said they would not change the use of their phone even if advised to by the Government.
Dr Hyland plans to publish the latest findings in medical journal The Lancet next year.
He said: "This information shows there really isn't a safe amount of mobile phone use. We don't know what lasting damage is being done by this exposure.
"If I were a parent I would now be extremely wary about allowing my children to use a mobile even for a very short period. My advice would be to avoid mobiles."
Dr Michael Klieeisen, who conducted the study, said: "We were able to see in minute detail what was going on in the brain.
"We never expected to see this continuing activity in the brain. We are worried that delicate balances that exist - such as the immunity to infection and disease - could be altered by interference with chemical balances in the brain."
A Department of Health spokesman said: "In children mobile phone use should be restricted to very short periods of time."