You will find below 211 twelve-page long emails sent to the Earth Rainbow Network e-list
from January 4, 2001 to December 31, 2001.


(The material emailed in 1999 is available HERE. Likewise, the material emailed in 2000 is available HERE.
However, the material emailed before February 1999 is not available on this site.)

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If you would like to subscribe to the Earth Rainbow Network automated listserver and regularly receive similar compilations covering a broad range of subjects, including each new Meditation Focus issued every two week, simply send a blank email at from the email account to which you want to receive the material compiled and networked by the Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator. Subscription is FREE!

2001 - The Spiritual Odyssey Towards the Light of a New Dawn Continues

Miscellaneous Subjects #53: New Peace Holiday! + A Government Plot Against Herbs
+ Lots of Actions to Challenge Bush's Presidency and More!


Miscellaneous Subjects #54: Numerous Feedbacks received + Various Others News

Miscellaneous Subjects #55: Bush's cabinet choices + Whales play music + Gyroplanes
+ The Cube to Make Fossil Fuels Obsolete + Ten Worst Corporations AND More!


Miscellaneous Subjects #56: Selection of meditations
+ Discussion about Sheldan Nidle's latest update
+ Designer People
(Technologies turning human life into a commodity)


Mystical Files #5: A Most Auspicious Time + Angels of Divine Justice
+ The Astral Plane + The Age of Empowerment


To tune out or face up to what's wrong on Earth: Our Strategic Approach
+ Doctors Without Borders report horrific situation in Angola
+ There is no political solution + Pearls of Wisdom


Miscellaneous Subjects #57: Some Feedbacks + Violent Gang Rapes in South Sudan + FDA Passes on Bio-food Labels and More!

The Corpocracy Uncovered: Bush family supported Third Reich
+ The Godfather's New World Order + Red China and the U.S. Elections


Miscellaneous Subjects #58: Several Feedbacks on "The Corpocracy Uncovered"
+ Roads lead to Amazon 'destruction' + Empower Women to protect the land
and MUCH MUCH More!


Miscellaneous Subjects #59: Some Feedbacks + Just Five Minutes More
+ Fish a dangerous food and More!


Earth Safety File #1: Mad Cow Disease in North America + Presidential Orders of Seizure
+ Anti-Globalization info and More!


Miscellaneous Subjects #60: Feedbacks on "Just 5 Minutes More" and Mad Cow Disease
+ Bush's Ties To Monsanto + Dire Warning about Climate Change and More!


Uncovering the Truth: Mad Cow Disease + Bill to repeal US Gov sanctioned assassination ban + No Human Cloning + LFAS Update and More!

Uncovering the Truth #2: Feedbacks + MAD COW - The Cover-up + Florida 'recounts' make Gore winner + 20,000 Decibels Under the Sea and More!

Uncovering the Truth #3: Some Feedbacks + Roads lead to Amazon 'destruction'
+ Insecticide causes Mad Cow disease + Project HAARP and More!


Lots of Wonderful Feedbacks + The Expression of Spirit

Miscellaneous Subjects #61: Many More Feedbacks + GM bug 'could end all life' + India Earthquake Relief and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #62: Yet More Wonderful Feedbacks + Greenpeace ActionAlerts + Destruction of rainforest + More on Mad Cow Disease

Miscellaneous Subjects #63: Other Really Excellent Feedbacks + Monsanto & Mad Cow + Reactions to Madness of Materialism + Earth Day is just over 2 months away!

Miscellaneous Subjects #64: More Wonderful Feedbacks + UN Reports Global Deforestation Slowing Down + Canola Oil - Rape in a different guise and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #65: The Mayan prophecies + Some Feedbacks
+ Fast your seat-belts + Mass Extinction Events and More!


Miscellaneous Subjects #66: Feedback on the situation of women in Afghanistan
+ Reframing our Perspective as Healers + The Celestial Voice of Diana and More!


Time of Reckoning at Hand: More on the Situation of Afghan Women
+ Severe food shortages in Africa + Bombing Of Baghdad Saves Stock Market and More!


Uncovering the Truth #4: Active Denial System + Secret Government
+ The CIA's War on Democracy + News on ECHELON + Global Privatization Being Secretly Planned


Miscellaneous Subjects #67: High voltage power cables officially linked to cancer
+ Concerns, criticism follow climate forecasts + Quiet Campaign for Genetically Engineered Humans


Miscellaneous Subjects #68: Whale researcher says Navy's new
(LFAS) sonar can kill + Earth Day Equinox Celebration on March 20
+ Another Approach to Foot & Mouth Disease, and More!


Miscellaneous Subjects #69: World's hypocrisy toward Republic of Macedonia
+ Peace is the only way + International Silence Day + Orbital Defense Systems


Countdown to the Summit of the Americas: Protest the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas
(FTAA) + Weaving a Web of Solidarity - A feminist action against globalisation + much much More!


Green Files #18: Dioxin Study is a Political Hot Potato for EPA + World's Imperiled Shores
and Coral Reefs to Get Millions in Aid + Biodiversity loss issues, and More!


Mysteries and Miracles

Green Files #19: New Pro-GMO FDA rule
+ The Chemical Papers: Secrets of the Chemical Industry Exposed
+ Keep Arsenic Out of Tap Water + Foot-and-Mouth Carnage and More!


Miscellaneous Subjects #70: Help needed in Israel + How Industry Manipulates Science
and Gambles with Your Future + Three short GMO news + Pesticide Poisoning in Schools and More!


The Unfolding Global Crash: The Great Fall of Materialism + US stock market slide:
A turning point in American and world politics + JUSTICE FOR GOLD + Church gaffs


Green Files #20: Don't Let Bush Torpedo The Climate Treaty! + Boycott of American products
+ Mr Bush has put US credibility on the line + Calling Al Gore + The Blood of Turtles Stains Bali
and More!


Countdown to the Summit of the Americas #2: U.S. activists detained at airport
+ Canada bars fabled farm activist Jose Bove + Globalization Glossary and More!


X-Files #3: More on the underground tunnels on Mars + Ancient Underwater Pyramid
with a Crystal Sphere Found + Another Possible Chemtrails Explanation and More!


Food Safety Files #9: Chemical Formed In Irradiated Food Damages DNA + Vegetables Without Vitamins + Multiple Sclerosis - Milk connection? and More!

What Sort Of Future Are We Preparing

Miscellaneous Subjects #71: Treasury Bank systems to be overhauled in over 100 countries
+ Bush is Creating a Market for Star Wars + Earth Day 2001 info and More!


LFAS Alert - Last Call for Action to prevent the US Navy from getting a permit
to deploy their LFAS highly destructive sonar technology around the world


Miscellaneous Subjects #72: Chem-trails confirmed by Traffic Control Manager on Art Bell
+ What will our children inherit? + Covert government program and much much more!


Miscellaneous Subjects #73: 1. Skeletons in Cheney's closet + Flood Bush with e-Protests:
Don't destroy the Climate Treaty! + Modern Meat: A Brutal Harvest and More!


Miscellaneous Subjects #74: Britain and America's pilots are blowing the cover on our so-called
"humanitarian" no-fly zone + Truthful Response to the Afghanistan Petition and More!


Miscellaneous Subjects #75: 1. An idea whose time has come + Public Hearings on LFAS
+ World's First Free Energy Machine + New Evidence to Back Universe 'Dark Energy' Theory and More!


Miscellaneous Subjects #76: A Passionate Feedback + Earth on Edge
+ DNA and Cellular Changes + Global Consciousness ~ Another Way and More!


Green Files #21: Various Feedbacks + Urgent Action Needed to Stop LFAS Worldwide
+ Researchers Fear Navy's Sonar May Harm Whales and More!


Countdown to the Summit of the Americas #3: Various resources on the Web + Corporate Globalization in the Americas + What lies behind Free Trade Area of the Americas and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #77: Protesting the Trade in Lies and Violence + Injury and arrest reports
+ Harvest of Fear + New Theory on AIDS Origin +Goldman Environmental Prize Winners


Miscellaneous Subjects #78: Democracy Trampled in Quebec City + Getting Back to Basics
+ Declaration of the Second People's Summit of the Americas and more!


The Horrific LAW Weekly Roundup 12-18 April 2001

What is Bush really up to: Military force an option to defend Taiwan, warns Bush
+ THE FOOL ON CAPITOL HILL + George Bush's favours to big business and More!


Miscellaneous Subjects #79: Several Feedbacks + Peace for the Philippines
+ Military & government witnesses to provide testimonies on UFO/extraterrestrial presence


Miscellaneous Subjects #80: Israeli Citizens and Other Jews Initiate Appeal to Boycott Israeli Goods
+ Comments on the Arab/Israeli problem + Latest LFAS news + Trade in your Teddy Bear for an AK47


Miscellaneous Subjects #81: Marketing Environmental Destruction and Disease + Excerpts from the Good News Agency newsletter + Transmission from Archangel Ariel and More!

Corpocracy Uncovered #2: ET/UFO Disclosure + Most Sinister Privatization of All: The Airwaves
+ U.S. Scientists See Big Power Savings From Conservation + The Earth's Ten Commandments and More!


Miscellaneous Subjects #82: UFOs, Aliens and Secrets + The Speech JFK Would Have Made
+ The environmental cost of driving + New Website to Save Wild Places and More!


Miscellaneous Subjects #83: Stop the Global Aspartame Plague + Fight back the Bush/Cheney Energy Fiasco + Top Secret Electro Magnetic Weapons + EPA agrees dioxin poses cancer risk and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #84: The Musings Of A Minor Prophet + The new Energy Policy of G.W.Bush
+ Bush Picks Industry Insiders to Fill Environmental Posts + How polluters influence environmental education


Miscellaneous Subjects #85: Time to Remove the Bloodsuckers? + Brazil: Torture and impunity under international spotlight + The Killer in Your Yard + Jaguar Habitat At Risk and much much more!

Miscellaneous Subjects #86: Action Letter on LFAS needed now + It's not an "energy crisis", its a "Bush crisis" and More!

Green Files #22: Plight of Street children in Latin America + Maverick Science Conference + Bush on Public Lands + The Disaster of 'Dolphin-Safe' + Consuming more, enjoying it less and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #87: Nasa has lied all along about the true color of Mars atmosphere + A Tiger by the Tail - Boycott Exxon and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #88: Why we must stay silent no longer + Under Our Radioactive Noses - Nuclear Plants Relicensed + News from the World Democracy Campaign and More!

Green Files #23: Bill Moyers Reports: Earth On Edge + President Jimmy Carter on misinformation and scare tactics by President Bush + GMO-Crop Coup: Seeds of Discontent and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #89: 1. As Biotech Crops Multiply, Consumers Get Little Choice + Letter from Jimmy Twyman + Comments on free energy devices + Will Europe Ban Aspartame and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #90: Seeing it Differently + There is no Correct Leather + Calls for a Tax on Meat + Rally Against Chemtrails and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #91: Sudan Peace Act + The World of Free Energy + Undersea methane hydrates + Locust army marches on its stomach and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #92: Helping the orphans of Ukraine + Naomi Klein on Globalization and Resistance + Important Chemtrails development and More!

The Dark Shadow of Big Brother is Growing: Body Bags stockpiled for Genoa Protest + Mass UK Mind Control Technology Now A Reality
(or Not?) + 'Digital Angel' implant


Miscellaneous Subjects #93: Scientist Says Mind Continues After Brain Dies + Repression of Falun Gong in China + The Scourge of Oil Palm Plantations + The Art of Gentle Blessings and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #94: The Battle lines are Drawn + Life at the Edge of the Abyss + The Call Goes Out + Daffodils

Miscellaneous Subjects #95: Why Our Planet is Failing + Sperm on the wane + Monsanto's GM canola has become an out of control weed + US may resume nuclear weapons tests and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #96: "Who cares what you think?" said Bush + Something Is Frighteningly Wrong With The American People Now + The Israeli Army's Campaign of Revenge and Ethnic Cleansing

Miscellaneous Subjects #97: Israeli Generals plan to smash Palestinians + Nevada Test Site Contaminated + More on LFAS

The G8 Summit in Genoa: Over 100,000 to Demonstrate Against G8 + The battle for Genoa and More

G8 Corpocracy "Protected" by Extreme Police Violence and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #98: Energetic Investments and Divestments + Genoa and Its Aftermath + LFAS deployment imminent and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #99: Another Excuse for Space-Based Weapons is Emerging + International Day against the Militarisation of Space and More!

The Veil is Opening - Introduction to the book "Matthew, Tell Me About Heaven"

Miscellaneous Subjects #100: Feedbacks to The Veil Is Opening + G8 Corpocracy Protected + U.S. 'Go-It-Alone' Decisions + More Signs of Positive Change and More!

Complement to the Meditation Focus #44: BALKAN SET-UP: America provokes conflict and then intervenes to solve 'crisis' + Macedonia: Washington behind Terrorist Assaults

Miscellaneous Subjects #101: Gush Shalom calls for International Intervention in Israel + Open letter to Israel + Presidential IQ's + Inspiring speech by Tim Robbins and More!

Green Files #24: Gaia & The Corporations + Superweed: Monsanto's GM Canola is out of control + The Genoa Experience and More!

Climaxing Violence Around a World in Need of Urgent Spiritual Healing: BBC staff are told not to call Israeli killings 'assassinations' + Heavy news from Zimbabwe + China's anti-Falun Gong Terrorism and More!

G-8 Violence: Genoa: Statement of Daniel McQuillan + Statement of Morgan Hager + G-8 Protesters Were Beaten, Deprived of Rights by Police in Italy

Miscellaneous Subjects #102: Various comments about Suzy Ward's books + An Islam Much Forgotten + SPIRIT AID 2002 and More!

More Feedbacks on the Matthew Books

Miscellaneous Subjects #103: One side of the coin on Zimbabwe - and the other side + Human Arrogance and the Decline of the Earth and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #104: Some Feedbacks + The next gas crisis + The New Leaders - Cultural Creatives + Howard Storm's near-death experience revelations and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #105: The 2001 Summit on Spirituality and Sustainability + Hell's Grandmothers are walking through fire! + Bt Action Alert and More!

MiscelSubjects #106: ET responds to 1974 deep space radio transmission + Military to Seek Legislative Exemptions, + EU's secret network to spy on anti-capitalist protesters - and More!

MiscelSubjects #107: Parallel Lives + Alpine Eden proves Mother Nature knows best + Nato Invades Macedonia and More!

Miscellaneous Subjects #108: 'Jaw-Dropping' Crop Circle + Astronaut Observes Visibly Worsening Environmental Damage To Earth + Post Constitutional America and much much more!

Green Files #25: Greenpeace Executive director accuses Bush of putting the world's future at risk + World coral reefs to die by 2050 + Day of Truth and More!

Crisis in America: Terror strikes and thousands die

Crisis in America #2: Startling Revelations Coming Out

Crisis in America #3: More Startling Revelations Coming Out

Crisis in America #4: Hope, Faith and Courage No Matter What the Consequences Are

Crisis in America #4: Part 2

Crisis in America #5: Falsities and Conspiracies

"Beginning on September 18, 2001, the Sleeping Giant Will Awaken"

Crisis in America #6: To deny or not to deny - to BE or not to BE

Crisis in America #7: The End of Innocence

Crisis in America #8: Operation Infinite Justice = Operation Infinite Violence

Crisis in America #9: Love is the Answer

Crisis in America #10: Deceit and Disinformation

Crisis in America #11: A Delicate Balancing Act

Shedding some Light on the Veil of Secrecy surrounding the Covert World Government

Crisis in America #12: Shining Our Light in the Darkness of the Utter Failure of the Media to Seek and Tell the Truth

Crisis in America #13: The News You Won't Get Anywhere Else

Eternal Freedom #1: Healing and Recovery

Eternal Freedom #2: Truth and Justice - Not War

Eternal Freedom #3: Be(a)ware

Eternal Freedom #4: Truth Emerging in Sharper Focus

Eternal Freedom #5: Growing Sufferings in Afghanistan and Continued Cover-up

Eternal Freedom #6: Resistance is *Not* Futile

Miscellaneous Subjects #109: From Darkness to Light

Armageddon Underway: The Battle Has Begun

Armageddon Underway #2: A Phoney War Against a Phoney Enemy

Miscellaneous Subjects #110: The Quest for Peace Burning Brighter Than Ever

Armageddon Underway #3: Remaining Balanced Despite the Growing Scare-Mongering

Armageddon Underway #4: The Battle for Our Hearts and Minds

Big Brother is Alive and Well: Worldwide Takeover by Uncle Oil

Big Brother is Alive and Well: Almost in Complete Control Now... Or So It Thinks

Big Brother is Alive and Well: sTHINKs, SthinkS, sTHINKs

More from Matthew Ward about events since September 11

Big Brother Files : More Food for Thought

The Light Series #1: Choosing Peace and Love

Miscellaneous Subjects #111: Lots of Important News And Info

The Big Brother Files #6: The Horrific Insanity of War

The Light Series #2: Sharing the Joyful Bliss Of Love and Light

The Big Brother Files #7: The New Face of International Terrorism

The Light Series #3: Healing the World Through Keeping Our Hearts Open

The Big Brother Files #8: The Dark Underbelly of US History Is Being Exposed

Miscellaneous Subjects #113: Revulsive Revelations and Some Good Stuff

The Big Brother Files #9: The Orwellian Time Has Begun

The Light Series #4: The Answer to Terror is Love

Miscellaneous Subjects #114: More Sobering Thoughts

The Light Series #5: Facing Negativity Instead of Denying it

Miscellaneous Subjects #115: Corporate/Military-Enforced Mayhem and Terror Around the World

The Light Series #6: Pooling our Light/Healing Forces With our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven

The Big Brother Files #10: The Fury of War and Its Consequences

Corpocracy Uncovered #3: The Long Shadow of Big Money

The Big Brother Files #11: Humanity Hanging From a Cross of Iron

The Big Brother Files #12: Keeping Our Mouths Open

X-Files #4: Warning! Hot Stuff! Handle With Care!

Miscellaneous Subjects #116: The Truth-Seeking Saga Continues

Light Series #7: It Is The Time To Be In Joy

The Big Brother Files #13: Bye, Bye Freedom and Democracy - The NWO Dictatorship Is Born

The Big Brother Files #14: Big Bad Brother's Deadly Schemes

Miscellaneous Subjects #117: Is the War on Terrorism a Facade?

The Light Series #8: A Spiritual Revolution is in the Air

The Big Brother Files #15: The Evil Master Plan for World Domination

The Big Brother Files #16: Another Earful of CorpoDictatorial News

The Rising Phoenix Series #1: The Power of Love in Action

The Big Brother Files #17: The Killing Fields of This World

Miscellaneous Subjects #118: Changing the World, One Person and One Action at a Time

The Rising Phoenix Series #2: Dreaming Up A New Future Together

The Big Brother Files #18: The Dirty-Ugly Wars and Schemings of Uncle Sam

The Light Series #9: Courageous People Taking a Stand

The Big Brother Files #19: Can All This Be Real?

The Rising Phoenix Series #3: Agents of Change at Work

The Turning Tide of History - File #1: The Emerging New Global Activism

The Big Brother Files #20: The Truth Is Coming Out Despite All The Denials

The Big Brother Files #21: Corruption, Deception and Bush as a TV Pitchman

The Rising Phoenix Series #4: The Light is Growing and There is Always Hope

The Big Brother Files #22: 9-11 Revisited Once Again!

The Turning Tide of History #2: Manifesting Peace and Sharing All Around The World

The Big Brother Files #23: Mass Killing in Afghanistan And Civil Rights Under Threat

Miscellaneous Subjects #119: The Big Bad Bully Is Once Again Exposed

X-Files #5: Can You Believe This!

The Light Series #10: Selected Thoughts at this Juncture in Time