June 2002 Solstice Meditation Focus

Connecting With The Source Of Goodness In Us


What follows is the June 2002 Solstice Meditation Focus suggested for this coming Friday, June 21st, from 13:00 to 14:00 UT/GMT - the exact peak moment for the Solstice is at 13:24 UT/GMT - see below for your local corresponding time.


1. Summary
2. Meditation times
3. More information on this Solstice Meditation Focus


This coming June Solstice will be a most sacred opportunity to Connect with the Divine Source of Goodness in us that has been lying dormant for so long but which is now arising like a Phoenix out of centuries of endless wars and violence and affirming Its radiant presence in the vast majority of human beings today. It is indeed fair to say that signs are now abounding around the world as to the rekindling of this radiant Source of Goodness, our true center of Godness that is at the core of the quintessential Reality that We Are. These telltale signs of our innate Divine Nature now resurfacing en masse can be observed not only in the countless random acts of kindness that have been on the rise throughout these past few years, although little noticed nor acknowledged because they seldom make the headlines, as more and more people are learning to listen to their higher self and open to the grace of following without questioning its gentle prodding and accepting its wise advice subtly felt as the Right Thing to do, say and think. There is no question that humanity still has a long way to go before reaching the level of consciousness of angels, but everyday the way ahead looks brighter and the path easier to tread as the irresistible, unstoppable, innerwhelming urge to Be all that We Are makes us all be ever more gentler and kindler and caring towards each other and towards all other forms of Life, all other expressions of the sacred beauty and infinitely diversified creativity of the One Being at the source of It All. Words can hardly conjure up the ineffable feeling of bliss and ecstasy that is ours when we stop for a moment the chatter of the discursive mind, connect with the Source of Oneness in us and let Its radiant, tingling Presence expand and engulf our whole being and ultimately our whole world in a vibrant, joy filled, tears welling outpouring of infinite Light and Love.

As we will join collectively, either from the sanctity of our usual meditation space or as part of a group of likehearted Light Bearers gathered at some special, highly vibrational environment, this coming June 21st from 13:00 to 14:00 UT/GMT, for a one-hour globally synchronized communion of souls, we will enable the collective sense of Oneness and Goodness of Humanity to soar to new, unprecedented heights of actualization and divine expression. Please consider dedicating your time in service and full-hearted participation to this most crucial steppingstone into the dawning new era of universal peace and cosmic reunion with our kinsouls throughout this galaxy and beyond who have been awaiting for so long and anticipating with such patient love this moment of our global return into the Divine Family of Lighted worlds. Make plans at once as to where you want to be and with who you want to share these moments of graceful bliss and please help spread this Solstice Meditation Focus to whomever may be receptive to its content and suggestions. May the Light of God at the Source of Who You Are guide you before, during and after this Sostice Portal into the coming new Golden Era, for the Highest Good of all.

This entire Meditation Focus is also available at http://www.aei.ca/~cep/June2002SolsticeFocus.htm


These times below will be corresponding to 13:00 Universal Time/GMT on June 21st, 2002:

Honolulu 3:00 AM -- Anchorage 5:00 AM -- Los Angeles 6:00 AM -- Denver 7:00 AM -- San Salvador, Mexico City, Houston & Chicago 8:00 AM -- Asuncion, Santiago, New York, Toronto & Montreal 9:00 AM -- Halifax, Santo Domingo, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, La Paz & Caracas 10:00 AM -- London, Dublin, Lisbon, Reykjavik & Casablanca 2:00 PM -- Lagos, Algiers, Geneva, Rome, Berlin, Paris, Johannesburg, & Madrid 3:00 PM -- Ankara, Jerusalem, Athens, Helsinki, Nairobi & Istanbul 4:00 PM -- Baghdad & Moscow 5:00 PM -- Tehran 5:30 PM -- Islamabad 7:00 PM -- Calcutta & New Delhi 6:30 PM -- Dhaka 7:00 PM -- Rangoon 7:30 PM -- Hanoi, Bangkok & Jakarta 8:00 PM -- Hong Kong, Perth, Beijing & Kuala Lumpur 9:00 PM -- Seoul & Tokyo 10:00 PM -- Brisbane, Canberra & Melbourne 11:00 PM -- Wellington + Sat. 1:00 AM

+ means the place is one day ahead of Universal Time/Greenwich Mean Time.

You may also check at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/full.html to find your current corresponding local time if a closeby city is not listed above.


"Solstice" is translated loosely from the Latin as "sun stands." The June Solstice will occur on the 21st at 13:24 Universal Time/GMT, when the Sun is farthest north of the equator. In the northern hemisphere the June Solstice is the time of maximum light, while in the southern hemisphere it is the time when the Sun is reborn after the longest night. Since ancient times, humanity has marked out the Solstices and Equinoxes as important times to attune to the Earth's relationship with the Sun, and today they are used for linking up globally in meditation.


It is suggested that the first half hour of this Meditation Focus be dedicated to reaching out to all participating souls, uniting as One Mind, One Heart, Oneness, and radiating from the God Self within the True Divine Power of Love - unconditionally - and our innate Goodness towards all living beings in, on and around our planet. It is also suggested to open yourself, during the second half hour, or at any time it will spontaneously occur, to incoming visions and directives that can be given to you as a guiding beacon towards manifesting what you vowed to accomplish as part of this incarnation. According to your currently achieved abilities, remain as centered as possible in the God-center within, allowing yourself to experience All That You Are, without undue interference from the discursive state of mind of day-to-day life, thus creating a sacred space where the truly magnificent radiance of the Lighted Presence within can shine unobstructed and commune in perfect synchronicity with the immanent Being of Light in all from/through Who we are all One. Once this whole rejuvenation/reconnection process is completed, please remain silent for a few more minutes before sharing your insights with the other participants in your group (if you are with others at this time) or doing anything else, so as to assimilate at the deepest levels the emerging realization of what this experience has been for you and its significance for the continuation of your journey on Earth. Acknowledge any decision/rededication made during these moments of grace and let it all sink deep within you, lest you forget it all once again. Finally, if you wish so, you may light a candle for the duration of this whole meditation as a shining symbol of the emerging Love-radiance within and to welcome back the Light on Earth, beginning with each one of us and expanding until no one is left outside the Lighted Presence That Is in all of us.

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For more information, please review the material posted by the Global Meditation Focus Group at http://www.aei.ca/~cep/focusgroup.htm