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Celestial glyph suggested for the May 14, 2011 Meditation Focus
& Wesak Festival Meditation


As indicated in the Meditation Focus #223: Dedicating Oneself to Serve the Will of Good ...

"Considering the powerful effects the many symbols appearing around the world and known as the 'crop circles' can have to stimulate deeply concealed memory engrams encoded into our very souls, it is hereby suggested that, from now on, we all begin using those sacred geometric archetypal symbols as soul-awakening aids during our global meditations in this last stretch towards the coming big dimensional shift. You are therefore invited to focus your attention for a couple minutes on a different celestial glyph every Sunday, just before the start of the meditation, and simply allow the intricate design of each suggested symbol to stimulate whatever soul remembrance it is designed to elicit."

The sacred geometric archetypal symbol now suggested was reported last May 7 in Hannington, nr Cricklade, Wiltshire, UK and can be viewed at...

For more explicit versions of this celestial glyph, see the other diagrams at...

You may also wish to see the Ground Shots and the Field Reports to have a better feel of this particular formation.

Here are some complementary thoughts for those who may wonder how to best use every week these suggested symbols as part of our global meditation service. Since all interpretations are inevitably subjective and may not necessarily reflect the deeper meaning of any given pictorial design or hamper its potential soul-awakening effect, it is better to try to not speculate about what each suggested celestial glyph could mean or represent. Instead, it is preferable to simply allow what it may evoke within us, beyond any preexisting intellectual concept, while remaining aware that the Glyph Makers are divinely guided when conceiving and creating these sacred symbols as is suggested in the DVD excerpt included along with the email for the May 7 meditation.

If one does not resonate with any suggested celestial glyph or feels that contemplating such a symbol before the beginning of the meditation might be an impediment, one must not feel constrained to do anything with this suggested pictorial design Ñ or even with any given suggested meditation theme, if one does not resonate with a particular one.

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Taurus 2011 Global Meditation
Celebrating the Taurus Full Moon Festival - The Wesak ~ Festival of Shamballa (...)

2011 Wesak Festival Meditation

The Full Moon in Taurus ~ Scorpio
Tuesday, May 17 at 4:09 am PDT (11:09 UT)
We mentally link up with people of goodwill everywhere, creating a united group channel through which the spiritual forces can become available. Affirming this channel, "We stand poised united as one soul with our Spiritual Hierarchy." We hold the focus.

This alignment we make with the Spiritual Hierarchy creates a unity between humans in physical form and the Great Ones in Spirit. The Essential Divinity in all is sensed and embodied.

When we have achieved this, we become still ...

The great gateway of Taurus opens and a golden, white light pours in and through.
We rise to meet this light ~ the golden Light of Illumination.
We recognize it also as the Light of Knowledge.

At the very heart of our being we feel an impulse, an incentive to move and to progress.
Desire and aspiration are further transformed into inspiration and illumination.
Within us, the personality wanes and the Soul shines. We are evolving.

The Light of Taurus holds the secret of Divine Purpose.
As we attune to it, steadily and without cessation the Divine Plan is revealed to us.

The gift of Illumination bestowed at the Wesak Festival contains the question ~ Will the Bull of Desire or the Bull of Divine Illumination prevail? It is up to us, seekers on the Path.

May we direct and use this Light wisely, confronting the darkness and difficulties of our world.
In this work the Group Soul shines through, demonstrating the strength, purpose, and purity of our motive.

The Buddha and the Christ combine the Way of Mind and the Way of the Heart.
Experiencing this great connection, our vision expands.
Compassion and understanding rise within us as our Mind and Heart are further unified.

The Light of Taurus delivers the Shamballa force which stimulates our Will-to-Serve.
The Christ and the Buddha, Divine Love and Wisdom, unite through us to reveal our Purpose.

Our heart and mind resonate ...

Knowing Our Purpose Reveals Our Direction
Knowing Our Direction Reveals Our Purpose
We rise
We know
We serve


Also recommended to your attention...


Wesak Full Moon

Entering the Time of Total Transformation

May 16, 2011

by Curtis Lang and Jane Sherry

Tuesday May 17, the Full Moon occurs at 26° 13' Scorpio at 4:09 AM PDT, or 7:09 AM EDT. Lightworkers celebrate the Wesak Festival, the Birth of the Buddha, and the Shamballa Gathering in the Himalayas, a time of spiritual renewal when Lightworkers everywhere connect with their Guides and Teachers to receive instructions concerning their work to come during the next yearly cycle.

This stream of graceful energy is auspicious for the Full Moon Festival of Wesak, celebrating the spiritual achievements of Gautama Buddha. The Wesak Shamballa Gathering of Ascended Guides and Teachers celebrates the Unity of the Wisdom Teachings of East and West, and features a yearly appearance by Buddha and Jesus Christ.


Buddha taught that the individual Self, experienced as the egoistic personality, is an illusion, and that each of us is indissolubly united with the vast web of life that interpenetrates the physical and spiritual realms, extending throughout the space-time continuum, encompassing past, present and future.
Thus, when we help another being we help ourselves. When we harm another being, we harm ourselves. This is the philosophical and spiritual foundation for the practice of compassion and selfless service that defines Buddhist spirituality.

It would be good to meditate upon the web of life this weekend at the Full Moon Festival of Wesak, celebrating the birth of Gautama Buddha.

Here in the West, the Inter-Denominational Festival of Wesak is a Global Celebration of the work being done by the Ascended Master Teachers in Spiritual Worlds and by the New Group of World Servers, often known as Lightworkers, in the physical realm on planet Earth.

In the East, Wesak is a yearly Festival commemorating the birth of Gautama Buddha, his spiritual enlightenment, and his transcendent journey beyond the manifested universe.

On Wesak, millions of Buddhists in thousands of temples across the world from Tokyo in the East to San Francisco in the West gather and pay homage to an Indian Prince who renounced the pleasures of his royal household to seek enlightenment for the purpose of ending human suffering, and to bring peace and happiness to mankind.
If you'd like to read more about the philosophy of Buddha, read our new article Wesak Wisdom: The War Between the Ego and the Higher Self.

In this article, we offer some simple meditations on liberation, communion with the Higher Self and the loving wisdom of Christ and Buddha which are appropriate for this High Holy Festival of Wesak, which celebrates the Unity of the Wisdom Teachings of East and West.

The Shamballa Gathering

During the Wesak Full Moon a gathering of incarnate and discarnate disciples, Guides and Teachers from every corner of the Earth gather in a valley high in Himalayas for a yearly Festival in which the Christ and Buddha appear to bless the assembled gathering and all the faithful throughout the world. This is the Shamballa Gathering.

Buddha achieved liberation from the bondage of material existence through his untiring spiritual practices, his open heart and his diamond like clarity of consciousness. By shedding the limitations of his egoistic personality, Buddha attained Union with the Divine.

Buddha's attainment of this Union included the overlighting of the personality by what in the West we call the Higher Self. Higher Self is often called Christ Consciousness by Western Adepts or Krishna Consciousness by Hindu mystics or Buddha Mind by Buddhist practitioners. Self-love as experienced by the Higher Self is Union with the Cosmos, and the transcending of that Cosmos, followed by entry into the Void is Nirvana, the final prize attained by Gautama in his quest for realization.

It should come as no surprise that the Inter-Denominational Festival of Lightworkers and New World Servers known as Wesak is a Festival of peace and love, dedicated to all works directed toward establishing peace among nations here on Earth.

The 20th century Theosophist, clairvoyant, spiritual teacher and esoteric astrologer Alice Bailey discussed the new global tradition of the Wesak Full Moon Festival in her booklet, The Wesak Festival: A Technique of Spiritual Contact.

“As one studies the world situation today, it becomes apparent that the secret of synthesis has been lost. Humanity is divided – one section against another section; the East versus the West; one race against another race; one nation against another nation,” Alice Bailey explains. “Men need to get back to the ancient knowledge that our planet is intended to demonstrate the essential unity of humanity, and that the energy which should manifest is that of integration and coherence. When this is truly realized our present world problems will adjust themselves, and the basic world rhythm will be re-established and stabilized.”

To read more about the Inter-Denominational Global Spiritual Festival of Wesak, including Five Minute Wesak Meditations and instructions for conducting your own Full Moon Wesak Ritual at the time of the Gathering of Ascended Guides and Teachers in Shamballa in the Himalayas, read our new article The Global Festival of Wesak: Buddha's Birthday & the Shamballa Gathering.

You'll learn how to create a sacred space in your own home and magnetize your aura to resonate with the uplifting and exalted energies of the Ascended Guides and Teachers who gather to celebrate Wesak in the Himalayas at Shamballa, an Inter-Dimensional Gateway leading beyond the known Universe.

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