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Meditation Focus Series – Week # 25:

Manifesting a New Earth Through The Power of Love

Beloved Ones

Here is the 25th suggested meditation theme in this weekly Meditation Focus Series. The purpose, meditation time and, if needed, a basic meditation method were provided in the first one available HERE. To review the previous Meditation Focuses, please click HERE.

This Meditation Focus Series - Week # 25: Manifesting a New Earth Through The Power of Love is archived at

Week # 25: Manifesting a New Earth Through The Power of Love

An audio version (mp3) is available HERE with instructions on how to access and use it.

Every time we get to shift our vibrations towards the higher end of the frequency spectrum, either through going into deep meditation or through other such deeply connecting spiritual harmonization with our Higher Divine Self, we have a glimpse of our true vibrational nature and can partake in blissful communion to the eternal banquet awaiting the souls reconnecting with their True Universal Source. Such an experience is fast becoming a determining factor in assisting millions of embodied souls on Earth to reassess their life priorities and redirect their creative energies towards being obedient, willing Instruments of the Will of God Almighty.

One of the rewards of aligning oneself with the Divine Will of All That Is is the access to the dynamic power source at the very origin of all Creation: the Infinite Power of Love. Once such an access is granted through our own choosing of the Higher Pathway of Light, the soul, which is the true eternal Essence of our Being and the very fountain of our sentient consciousness, can soar upon golden wings, expanding its reach to touch the entire cosmos at once.

To attain such a state of permanent communion with the only Reality beyond the ephemeral existence of a single lifetime, one has to learn to surrender into the embrace of Love and to let this mightily radiant force burst through every speck of our living self to shine ad infinitum and empower whatever our mind is contemplating, as guided from within the crux of our innermost source connection with the Mind of the Infinite.

This surrendering process to the Power of Love is now to be the prime focus of our ever expanding and spiralling ascension towards ever greater masterful expression of Who We are. One has to know from experience the sheer magnitude of this Force, this amazingly pure and pristine energy that LOVE is... Only then can a soul truly empower the visions of a New Earth given to us as guiding beacons towards the future of this planet that already exists in the living time-space continuum.

Joining... Communing with... and Being... the Creator through the mystical fusion of Oneness with All That Is, we can then each anchor the magnificently shining nodes of the New Earth emerging like a colossal phoenix from the fertile crucible of billions of years of incremental evolutionary refinements into an apotheosis of perfection, a time of permanent rejoicing into the intensely lucid knowledge of our true nature, an era of complete peace, compassion and loving adoration.

Please, accept this invitation to join the millions of souls, seen and unseen, that gather through the simple willful focus of their desire to do so, and offer themselves as channels and instruments to assist in the collective manifestation now underway of a new higher realm of existence, a New Earth, ascended, transmuted and glorified, bathing in the radiance of perfection, absolute harmony and unconditional surrender into the flowing grace of Love.

Make the conscious choice to allow the fully manifested Power of Love to surge through your heart towards the furthest confines of the Omniverse and let any residual sense of separation be dissolved into the infinitely ecstatic communion of Love thus activated, for the Highest Good of All as One...

Also recommended...

“Those who have elected at this point in time and in this physical dimension to be of assistance in furthering the emergence of a Lighted era in the very near future have a key responsibility of holding up the resonance of optimistic confidence that all such travails and tribulations are only transient circumstances that, when seen from the vantage point of the soul's innate knowledge of God's Will, are understood as being the necessary ferment enabling the experiences required for soul evolvement that will inevitably result in a much heightened field of spiritual perceptivity and accomplishment within the vast majority of those presently in incarnation on Earth. Therefore, it is highly recommended to deliberately focus one's attention and imagining abilities onto the shape of all positive things to come and on the sense of blissful happiness that will pervade humanity's collective consciousness as this sphere of Life and all its Life forms ascend into a higher frequency of spiritual resonance and manifest a level of civilized brother/sisterhood never experienced before to such a global extent. Through the barely tapped and infinitely vast powers of cocreativity that endow all Self-aware incarnated souls, unimaginably potent streams of Light and Love can be summoned to reach out to all living beings and thus communicate boundless hope and catalyze the kind of heart-centered changes that will soon help precipitate the conditions so envisioned.”

– Taken from Envisioning and Co-creating a New Earth

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